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Not a Grey but scary!


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The thing that gave me some hope was the comments on the video at the source, there was not much support for the nature moment at the peril of the Amazon in the cage. At first I wondered why someone would take the time to run and get a camera but then realized it most likely was from a cell phone that seems to have become a body attachment. Still... who would stand by to take a video except as a warning to others not to ever leave a captive food offering outside unattended?

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Wow I would have been screaming at the top of my lungs to shoo that thing off my babys cage ... but hey *shrugs* thats just me ... should of seen me when the cat got in the house OMG did I tell ya'll this story?


I had knee surgery done Sept 21. My 2 cats are 100% outdoor cats, big mousers and skilled hunters! About the 2nd day home? Maybe the 3rd from the surgery. Im on the couch typing on the computer and marcos out on her tree stand things were going good healing well and ... out of the corner of my eye the cat comes strutting thru the living room right towards the bird. I didnt know if she SAW the bird or was just headed that direction ... I wasnt taking any chances I yell CATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT .... and when I did Marco must of seen her and took off flying towards the kitchen ... my screaming made the cat turn around and run towards the kitchen where marco had flown and I hop up and RUN with my leg fully bandaged from my thigh to my ankle screaming like a MAD WOMAN mad i say!!!!!!!! I get to the edge of the washer and my friend who was there helping me runs up behind me and gets marco off the floor takes her back to the cage and finds the cat and sends her outside. I am holding onto the edge of the washer as the realization hits me that I just RAN and the pain sets into my knee. needless to say they got me the crutches I hobbled back to the couch took some pain meds and iced my knee down again praying I didnt rip ANY of the stitches. It was sheer instinct for me to react regardless not to think lets get the cam to take some pics/vids first while my bird is in danger. SMH

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LOL! Reminds me of a few incidents with my cats and Timber. There has never been a problem, but that is probably because as soon as contact is imminent I'm descending on them both like a screaming banshee... The cat and bird both freeze and look at me like I am totally insane, and are more scared of me than each other. It does distract them though!


I have to wonder if that was the first time the hawk landed on the cage or if it had happened before. I was trying to figure out why the owner was so calm. I know I wouldn't have been and I certainly wouldn't have let the hawk hang for any length of time.

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Yes I agree and I think that my screaming freaked them both out more then what she was probably headed into the living room for. Its amazing tho, as that adreneline was coursing thru my body I didnt feel a ounce of pain in my knee until it was over with and I had time to "think". Tell ya what tho, ID DO IT AGAIN !!!!!! in a heartbeat!


Im amazed that a hawk would come that close into someones yard, I mean we have hawks n stuff out here living in the country but Ive never seen one THAT close to anything round my house.


Its like that same instinctual reflex that you have when you slam on the breaks to put your arm up over the person in the front seat, thats how I was about the cat in the house headed towards the bird. Instinct you just react!

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I agree that the poor bird was terrified. Just looking at that video and picture made my heart almost stop because there is NOTHING I wouldn't do to protects my fur babies and feather babies. I think the hawk would be gone seeing some out of her mind crazy lady coming at it with a broom screaming at the top of her lungs. I most certainly would NOT be taking a video! I was just thinking about something. My Sun Conure goes right after anything that scares her. If it had been her she would have gone right to the top of that cage and gone to bite that hawks foot and she would not have won that fight!

Edited by M'sBabies
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LOL! Sun conures are amazing! They are little... but they can give a bite much more amazing than a grey or Amazon! OUCH! My little conure, can bite better than all of them. He is a rescue, has never bitten my grey or dogs. He knows who is friends are, but when first rescued, would fly and attack the jugular. He will defend pups and Sophie to the death now. We all love him, and while he was out of a forever home in the beginning, he adopted us and found his forever home. Nancy

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I was not planning on getting my Sun Conure as I had my Phoenix on order so to speak. I went into a pet store that we always go to for our dogs food. They had a Sun Conure there since we first went to the store in the Summer of 2012. I would always go there and talk to him/her but she was frightened of people. Fast forward to April of 2013 and I went there and he/she was gone. I said to the girl A MANAGER no less, oh did the sun conure find a home. WORD FOR WORD I was told No, we shipped him to another store because we didn't have time for it. I said what store, she told me and I left that store and drove 45 minutes to the other store and he/she came home with me that night!!! I love her so much. Sad thing is she is afraid of hands and is not very comfortable out of the cage. We keep working on it and the other night I was sitting watching TV and her cage was open and the next thing I knew she flew onto my shoulder and snuggled up against my neck. I almost cried. It's the first time she has ever come to me on her own. One night she was sitting on my Husbands chest and decided his scruff needed some cleaning. LOL It was the cutest thing ever. She is in LOVE with my Husband.

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M'sBabies....I was overwhelmed what you did for this baby! Sunny our first bird was a rescue, I really didn't want to get a bird, as I knew nothing about them. Sunny fell in love with Ryan at daycare. He was the only one that could love him. Ryans babysitter who also was a " rescue foster mom", was caring for him. She told me about Sunny being out of forever homes, and had chosen Ryan. I agreed to take Sunny home. Only Ryan could handle him. Within a week, I got pneumonia. I could breathe better in family room where Sunny was located. Thats where I slept. Within a few days, Sunny was on my shoulder while I lay ill. Sunny would preen me....I was at his mercy! He was an amazing nurse! After a week, I went to my room, getting better. Sunny would fly to my room to check on me. To this day, I will NEVER forget what Sunny did for me. He has a forever home for sure. Nancy

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Needless to say I no longer shop at this pet store. However, I do go in there to check on the animals and I am proud to say that because of me they are no longer allowed to have birds any larger than a cockatiel (Which I am working on) because the water was always dirty, CANNED vegetables were being fed to them, etc. I was on the phone with the corporate office to which I was HORRIFIED to find out that they have had Greys, Macaws and Cockatoos for sale in this same store. I immediately informed them that NOT ON MY WATCH will they ever neglect another bird!!

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