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Succes with Harness?


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I have been trying to get Phoenix to let me put a harness on him since he came home. I have tried everything but the little stinker just grabs it and gets all wrapped up in it. I'm thinking I should just forget about it but I would love to be able to take him outside. Anyone have any tricks?

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Always have the harness with you in your hand when you are messing with Pheonix. Pet them with it, play with it around them etc. Idea is to get them so used to it it becomes a non-event to them. After a while you can start slipping little loops of the harness (not necessarily the neck loop) around the head and they will get used to that as well.


My Greycie hated the harness at first. It took me a long while to finally get her to where I could put her head through the loop. Cinching up around the wings etc was never really an issue once I got her head in. She still doesn't much care for the harness and will fly around the house to avoid me if she spots it but once I get her feather little butt in my paws she will go ahead and grumbly go through the motions to harness up.


Quite a difference between her and our little Caique 'Toby'. He fought the harness with the Caique trademark bad temper tantrum on day 1 so I thought I was in for another long-haul birdy harness training. Day 2 he went right in like he had been doing it forever and actually likes being put in the harness. Weirdo.

Edited by SterlingSL
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I'll keep trying. He is a little stinker. I love him soo much. He will have worse temper tantrums than a 2 year old. He'll be sitting there playing with a foot toy and out of nowhere he will fly and scream at the top of his lungs then land on my hand and look at me like WHAT! He's my little buddy.

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I wish I could get a harness on Babalu. I got it around his head one time and he FREAKED out! Screaming and falling off his cage, he got tangled in it since he was flapping and screaming. I finally got him away from the cage and he laid still on his back growling ad biting the harness, so I cut it off :( no way was I going to get my fingers close to his beak to take it off his head.

Wish you luck

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Did you watch the video that came with the harness. It goes through the steps you need to take. It is a very slow process.

I was not patience enough - and we had a date at a school - so Peanut was 'forced' into the harness. He hates the harness but does love going out.

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I tried the Aviator suit at first, but could never get Radar to actually wear it. I then bought a harness and it worked almost right away. I think the key is leaving it where the bird can see it, an practice putting it on and off several times a day. They biggie for me was putting it over his head. That took lots of practice and tangling up. Once that is accomplished, it is so much easier. We have been using the harness for about 6 months and all Radar does now is bend his head down to put it on. Good luck!


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Can Radar give Phoenix a call and tell him to chill out that it's worth getting it on because then you get to go outside and fly! lol I practice with him every day. His harness lays on his perch stand. I know we'll get it one day and I know he will be mad at himself for making all this fuss all this time. lol

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I'll keep trying. He is a little stinker. I love him soo much. He will have worse temper tantrums than a 2 year old. He'll be sitting there playing with a foot toy and out of nowhere he will fly and scream at the top of his lungs then land on my hand and look at me like WHAT! He's my little buddy.





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Sadly, I gave up on the harness, but Gracie gets lots of time outside in her travel cage which is 24X20/1.5 bar spacing and an open view to the world. She loves going to the park. I hope the harness works for you, but there are other good options if it doesn't. The cage also protects from hawks...which are numerous in Oklahoma where we live.

Edited by JeffNOK
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