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Will CAG make sounds when sleeping?

Danny Kwok

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Hi, I have a lovely CAG which is 5 months old now. He is incredibly talkative and very clinging whenever he sees me around. He seems healthy all these while after I got him back 3 months ago from a pet shop. Recently, I notice that he makes soft whistling sound while asleep. I wonder is there anyone here with the same experience with their CAG? Need advice before bringing him to the vet. Thanks.


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You have had him a short time to know whether it is "normal" for him or not. Do you hear it any other time except when he is asleep? A first vet visit is usually a good idea any time you get a new baby if for nothing more than to establish a baseline and a relationship with your vet. My other thought is whether it is something that is constant and has been happening since the beginning or if it is just when you walk past him. Gilbert looks like she is sleeping, but she knows when I am near and sometimes makes a low cooing sound of recognition if I am up in the night. For her I think it is just a gentle little contact call to get back a quiet little reassurance of a friendly "bump in the night". She also will call to me with tiny little "whoo" sounds for about fifteen minutes after lights out or say "hey" in an attempt to get me back in the room with her. It's so hard to tell without being there and that's why a vet visit is recommended. Is there any chance you could record it for the vet because it will be highly unlikely he will sleep at the vet.

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I have to agree with Dee, if you haven't already had your grey in to see an avian vet it wouldn't be a bad idea for if something is causing him to make those sounds he will find that out, it could be nothing but in my opinion its better to be safe than sorry, please let us know what you find out.

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Thanks for all the advice and replies. I notice the sound has gone. I have observed these few nites and there were generally soundless. I don't want to stay too long to observe as I want him to sleep well. Just about 10 minutes near his cage at nite. I suspect he is too tired as he is really active during the day time, especially when he see some human presence. Perhaps I just scaring myself. Seeing him growing day by day and learning something new is really interesting.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Hi, Sorry for late reply for thanking everyone for your suggestions and advice. My grey, Angel is very fine now. In fact he is so noisy with funny noise and active during day time. I am glad that he is healthy. Only things that bother me is he really needs attention most of the time. He likes to climb on my shoulder and just stand there. I heard that Grey can be very quiet and will just stare on. How come mine is so "active" ? Are most Grey below 1 years old acted in this way?

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