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Chew my frame once...


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Chew my frame once, shame on you.

Chew it twice, shame on me.

Chew it until the corner is gone, boy am i dumb for not moving it the first time!!!


I guess since the major stuff like baseboards, door frames and window sills have been properly re-designed by Gabby, the next logical choice for her would be pictures frames. Gesh, i am starting to think i can not keep up with her anymore. Just when i think all my bases are covered, she finds something new to destroy. For this frame she got she went through alot of trouble to get to it. Over many stands, onto the countertop and over two coffee machines, under a bunch of funnys cut out of the paper ( to which she only chewed the last block of each strip, destroying the punch line of them ) and under items hanging with push pins! We actually talked about really putting crown and base inside her cage since her toys go untouched, it wouldn't be like we are teaching her to chew this stuff throughout the house because she already does. On the bright side, if i should ever need kindling to start a fire, i know who to turn to for assistance!

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When you figure this one out, I will put your imaginative mind to good use telling me how to move or protect my whole dining room. LOL. And wouldn't Gabby's cage be the talk of the neighborhood once you fit it with crown and base moulding? You are right about one thing for sure, you don't have a chance to teach her to seek and destroy, she is already a determined and expert demolition crew all on her own.

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So funny Murfchick! When you figure it out let me know, as Brutus has shredded every window frame in the house. I guess it is just a matter of time before he starts on the baseboards. He also has managed to chew holes in the screens of several windows too, so look for that. I had to change a number of light fixtures to bird-proof designs made of metal and glass, since he destroyed the less structurally sound versions. I have covered all furniture with quilts and pillows to keep him from destroying those frames too. He has, however, removed many nailheads from the sofa, and one day I will replace that sofa with a less-appealing version. Redecorating is his thing!

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Nice to know I am not alone in the carvings on all my woodwork, doors, window sills & frames! Now they have decided it is time to hang on the kitchen cabinets, open them & throw everything onto the floor, climb in & make claim of their new digs! IN the process, they are carving up the doors by hanging with their beaks...:(

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So i think i may have this one beat! For some odd reason Gabby hates stuffed animals, I put a large stuffed bear on the counter where she lands to begin her journey to the frame. It isn't pretty and as hubby pointed out, "It really goes well with our decor, not!" But it worked last night atleast! I tried to just move the frame but then she went after the coffee pots and they are plugged in so i would rather her interest be with the frame. My fingers are crossed and gesh, it only took a little over a week to figure this one out! Maybe Gabby was a toothpick maker in her previous life???

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So this is scary to think about what could have happened. I mentioned that Gabby had to cross over two coffee pots, well she had stopped to chew the cords on them and i never noticed. It wasn't until yesterday when i woke up to get a cup and it wasn't on that i saw it. Now this morning there is a note on it saying "do NOT use please". I can not believe she didn't get shocked, or maybe she did and it isn't that my large stuffed bear i placed there that is keeping her away but that she was shocked and has decided she no longer cares to play there. And then yesterday, a neighbor stopped over to sing Happy Birthday to hubby and as she finished singing we heard shrieking from one of the birds, darted inside and Cotay was corned under a chair by our blind dog. Nothing happened but she was scared. Her first flight when we were not around, we think it is because she heard the neighbor who we got her from and either wanted to go see her or was scared she would have to go back. Scary day with the fiddos but lesson learned as we had gotten relaxed that they were not in any harms way. Gesh, what a day. TGIF!!!!

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