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Gracie Compilation


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I decided to make a short movie of some of Gracie's language use. She is now two years old and has a vocabulary of about 200+ words. I decided to edit together a series of her utterances. This is just the tip of the iceberg, but she is camera shy now, and it is hard to get her to talk when a camera is in view. Most of these clips were shot months ago, but I think it gives a great sampling of what our greys can do. I hope you enjoy.


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Gracie is just a little lady. Loved the video. I remember your first threads Jeffnok. I love to see how your relationship with Gracie has grown and your knowledge of greys. Your threads/posts are always enjoyable.


Thanks so much. I remember so vividly my early days on greyforums.net and those first months with Gracie. I wanted to be so prepared and do everything "perfectly". I soon realized that no one formula worked, and I needed to just slow down and learn from Gracie with trial and error and mistakes and forgiveness. There were days when I worried we would never really bond. Looking back, I am so grateful and happy that Gracie and I have grown into a family. It wasn't always easy, but the best things in life rarely are.

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LOVED the video of Gracie. She has always been on my radar for " bird to watch!" You obviously spend a great deal of time with her and it shows. Nancy


Nancy, I appreciate your words. You know, Gracie was the bird nobody wanted at the breeder's. There were several other grey babies the same age as Gracie for sale. They were docile, affectionate, and interested in people. Gracie was independent and cared little for humans. People called her the "grumpy one". For some reason, I knew she was supposed to be mine. I call it a "God Moment." I knew she was mine even though she didn't seem very interested in me. Now I share my life with the most wonderful, sweet, intelligent girl. I remember those days when I doubted my choice, and wondered if I should have chosen one of the cuddly birds. Now I know in the depth of my heart that I made the right choice. Both for me and for her. I believe I needed a bird like her, and she needed a Daddy like me. We fit.

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Loved the video. Aretha Franklin----MOVE OVER!! Gracie is back in town


OMG you should hear her now (if she will let me film I will). She sings "R-E-S-P-E-C-T Find out what it means to me. R-E-S-P-E-C-T--Respect just a little bit--hey baby just a little bit."--It is her absolute favorite song. She struts and pushes her chest out with great flourish. In a way I'm glad she has chosen this as her anthem. I believe the key to life with a grey really is...respect.

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Nancy, I appreciate your words. You know, Gracie was the bird nobody wanted at the breeder's. There were several other grey babies the same age as Gracie for sale. They were docile, affectionate, and interested in people. Gracie was independent and cared little for humans. People called her the "grumpy one". For some reason, I knew she was supposed to be mine. I call it a "God Moment." I knew she was mine even though she didn't seem very interested in me. Now I share my life with the most wonderful, sweet, intelligent girl. I remember those days when I doubted my choice, and wondered if I should have chosen one of the cuddly birds. Now I know in the depth of my heart that I made the right choice. Both for me and for her. I believe I needed a bird like her, and she needed a Daddy like me. We fit.


That stuff always makes me sad. Our Greycie was a wee bit in the same boat. I specifically contacted the breeder inquiring about a cuddly Grey. Greycie was a do-her-own-thing bird which the breeder was trying to sell me on: "you don't want a velcro bird". Well, yeah, I did. She did finally sell me with the point that Greycie was always the first to do everything, wean, fly, explore etc... I figured that meant at least she was a smart bird if not a cuddler.


Makes me happy your Gracie has found a good life, they all need that. They sure as hell didn't choose to be in this situation. Hoping someday I may get to meet her. I always love seeing other people's birdys. Their kids, not so much...haahaa :)

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JeffNOK... Just wait until she is four. I know you are going thru some terrible twos, but not as bad as some can be.When they become four, they can reason more, and understand better. They can " rationalize", why you make the decisions you make. I LOVE the age four. The wheels are turning... trying to figure everything out like yesterday! LOL! Gracie is going to AMAZE you! This was an amazing age for us Nancy

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