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Irritating noises


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Our cockatiel has a really irritating squawk he does to get the cats' attention -- unfortunately Starbuck the grey has picked it up and thinks it's the best sound in the world. Only she does it LOUDER and randomly -- at least we can satisfy the tiel by calling the cats into the room.



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Oh that is a hoot! Bella unfortunately mimics all kinds of sounds - door bell, micro wave, door alarm.


But, she's really made it clear to me what kind of sounds I make! When I want the dogs to get out of the way I say "beep beep", so now Bella uses beep beep for all kinds of things! When she wants to have a drink of my water she frantically goes 'BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP!!!"


And then during allergy season she started to mimic my cough. I didn't realize she was copying me (because I didn't think I was coughing that much :lol: ) So I went into a panic! I thought she had an illness! I called the vet and just went crazy on the phone describing this cough, all the while the vet was saying "Terri, Terri, wait, Terri listen" finally I shut up and the vet said "Terri, Birds don't cough! She's mimicking you!" :huh: :huh: :huh: Alrighty then! Talk about making me feel pretty silly!


Then she picked up my sneeze, but put a Bella twist on it, I had NO idea what kind of a wierd sounds she was making, but it was loud!


She barks like the dogs (which can scare the petudies out of you if you're not expecting it).. So, I've just resigned to the fact that my house is a 3 Ring circus! :laugh:

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Since we got Dorian we've been invaded by chihuahuas, pigs, ducks, cats, tigers/lions, cockatiels, random wild birds, a whole pack of small children squeaking balloons, answering machines, telephones, a roomful of coughing, throat clearing, laughing people! And those are just the sounds.....she's got a whole bunch of sentences we wonder about too, lol.

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Terri, Don't feel bad. You aren't alone. My mother's bird seller told me that she gets calls every flu and pollen season from clients she's sold birds to. They call in frantically crying that their bird is coughing, sneezing, hacking, etc. I said, "Why don't you ease their minds early and explain the possibility of picking up the sounds when they purchase the bird?" She said, "And miss all the fun?" Sheesh. I wonder if vets charge people who bring their bird in for that reason?


Mine has picked up a cold sound that I HATE hearing from my husband and now I have to hear it from him. I won't describe it, but I'm sure you can imagine what it'd be.


There's one noise that I find VERY irritating...Richard just learned this because my husband was recently issued a TASER. Are you familiar with those? They are remote stun guns police officers use instead of lethal guns these days. Unless you're familiar with a taser, I won't be able to describe the sound because I have nothing to compare it to (I'm not talking about the electrical buzzy noise), Every nighjt before work, my husband has to do something to the taser that involves pulling the trigger and setting something off for about 5 seconds. The best I can do is that if you take two big wooden block and clap them together real hard and super fast, you might be able to recreate the noise.


I was an idiot. I told my husband, "Oh, Richard would LOVE to learn that sound! Do it in the living room, Sweety!" Now Richard makes this noise almost ALWAYS during a super quiet time when I'm dozing off. And, now that he's mastered the noise, he's trying to match the length of the noise...5 seconds.


I frequently record Richard when he's on a talking frenzy and this sound shows up on every recording. On a sound graph, it appears as a large green solid block. LOL! If I can find a way to upload it, I'll let you hear it.

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Sevi said:

Sometimes he throws in random things he just likes saying... in the middle of his "phone conversation" you hear something like "how are you?... haha... ohhh..LET THE DOG OUT... yup... bye... CLICK"


It blows me away when Richard says something I never realized I said...or that I said it frequent enough for him to memorize.


One morning I heard him say, "I'm trying to find..." and he never finished the sentence. Then I recalled that I never complete the sentence when someone asks, "What are you looking for?". I can't seem to be able to look for something and talk at the same time. LOL!<br><br>Post edited by: Richardsmommy, at: 2008/05/23 01:09

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I'm sorry. I tried to upload the taser sound, but it wouldn't accept a sound file. I tried zipping it but it didn't accept that, either. You'll just have to trust me when I say it's a very annoying and loud sound.


Goldn1 said:

Since we got Dorian we've been invaded by ...squeaking balloons,...




I will NEVER let ANYONE squeak a balloon near Richard! You're talking about blowing it up and stretching the nozzle as air escapes?




Don't even joke about this. I'd be forced to jump off a cliff and take Richard with me (though, he'd probably just laugh at me and fly away).<br><br>Post edited by: Richardsmommy, at: 2008/05/23 01:24


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Try the sound of the garbage truck backing up you know the one that goes beep beep beep very loudly I listened to that for 6 months straight. now he just says MOM MOM MOM MOM in my daughters voice and I always think its her so I always answer what do you want and the responce i get is MOM MOM then I get mad and go to where my daughter is and say can't you hear me what do you want she looks at me like I'm crazy or something and thats when it dawns on me that its that silly bird drive me nuts you betcha Pat

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Pat, you just made me laugh so hard! With you, of course, not at you. I didn't realize that me father has the habit of yelling "Hey" every time he can't find something, he screws up the tv remote. . . from whatever room he's in. So now when I'm downstairs I have dad yelling from upstairs, and Dorian yelling hey hey, hey!!! When I'm upstairs and he wants me down. I guess at least I feel needed, right?:unsure:

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These birds can make ANY NOISE. I cannot tell the difference between my birds voice and my girlfriends. I cannot tell the difference between the bird and the cat. I cannot tell if it's a real phone ringing, a fire alarm or alarm clock.


I am convinced that these birds can make ANY noise.

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Kumiko does a perfect copy of our house alarm's entry signal (the bee-bee-beep to indicate someone has opened an exterior door.) He does it so perfectly that now when someone does come in, we think it's Kumiko. LOL :D

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