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Irritating noises


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This question is inspired by a post I just read. Last week my bird picked up a peircing high-pitch noise. It sounded familiar but I couldn't put my finger on its origin. Finally after an hour, I remembered it was from a small squeaky toy my dog rejected. I'd gently blow a series of puffs of air from the toy in a rythmic manner {puff-puff puf-puff) on Richard's belly feathers and he just stood there "enjoying it"...or so I thought. Little did I know he was memorizing the high-pitched sound to later use against me.


So, my question is, are there any sounds YOU do that doesn't annoy you (because YOU'RE making them) that your bird picked up and uses...that NOW annoys you?

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That's hilarious, Judy. My mother misses my calls because she thinks the bird is doing it. I hadn't realized a bird could mimmic a timer also (I use the microwave timer).



danmcq wrote:

LOL Richardsmommy, he probably is trying to tell you to blow on his Tummy Again. That noise is his only way of communicating that to you. :-)


I could be full of it, but hey, it sounds reasonable.:P


Dan, I never even considered that. You may be on to something there.<br><br>Post edited by: Richardsmommy, at: 2007/10/27 03:21

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As of now, Makena hasn't made one sound that I didn't love. Every little noise, screech, peep, whistle, etc. is music to my ears... Although maybe I am just trying too hard to distinguish actual words out of all that babble :silly: :silly: :silly:!!

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Wow I thought I was the only one glaring at the bird on a daily basis! If I'm not paying attention to Smokey (4yrs now) when he's ready for attention, he lets me know! Somewhere between my husband's cell phone, the house phone, the microwave, that annoying chirping bird outside and of course the barking of my mom's chihuaha that visits us, he drives me bonkers! It's like he knows what will get under my skin and lets it blare when he's ready! But other times, I just love him to death!

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Dorian came from a pet store, so he does a frightfully loud budgie and canary. Mostly uses them to get my attention, or at night when it's close to bedtime he goes a little nutty with them, like an overtired child. Is there a way to download sound clips here? I'd love to share (misery loves company!), plus some of his more hilarious vocal antics.


Other than not responding or coming to him when he makes these sounds, is there any other technique to discourage them that anyone believes in?

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Jiggy can sound like the phone. local and long distance, will answer it in my husbands voice saying "Hi. How are ya" and then laughs his laugh and calls me to the phone...over and over and over till I come and tell her how smart she is to which she replies" I AM the smartest bird". If she is really fed up waiting for me to come she will do the smoke detector:S

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Jiggy can sound like the phone. local and long distance, will answer it in my husbands voice saying "Hi. How are ya" and then laughs his laugh and calls me to the phone...over and over and over till I come and tell her how smart she is to which she replies" I AM the smartest bird". If she is really fed up waiting for me to come she will do the smoke detector:S

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eve wrote:

i forgot my cell phone at home once... they now do the ring, the missed call sound, and the batterie dying. OMG i can't stand it.


That has got to drive you nuts...not only do you think someone is calling but you might have a dead battery too! LOL


The only noise that my grey does that can get under my skin is this loud high pitch tone. I have no clue what the heck he is mimicking though.


The only thing I have heard that will discourage a parrot from making a certain noise is to ignore it. Don't give any attention or anything...just like if it was screaming. The one you have to do is establish a new call for attention that you can live with.

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  • 5 months later...
Guest Skuffy

Tell you know...Max has started doing My house Phone..Its on his Vid...Burns my head compleatly out...He will ring it forever if not stopped...He knows hes doing it aswell to wind me up....I say NO!! he stands Tall as if to say,,,,Come on catch me.....watch my Vid..

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Skuffy - He has put two and two together......



The phone rings, you go get. He wants you to come and get him. They are super intelligent and observer cause and affect. :-)


Cool video, brought an early morning smile, thanks!! :-)

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  • 1 month later...

Richard "talks on the phone". He makes the phone ring sound then continues with, "hello? Oh, [jubberish] yeah...uh-huh?...ok?...ok!...Oh...[jibberish]...yeah...uh-hu...What?....uh-huh...uh-huh...come again?...ok...uh-huh...yeah...yeah...ok...[jubberish]...excuse me?...excuse me?...can you hear me?...oh, OK!...yeah...uh huh?...yeah...yep...I know...ok...ok...[jibberish]..ok...uh-huh...ok...ok!...well, I gotta go...uh-huh...ok...I love you...bye-bye!" His "[jibberish]" includes words and phrases he also knows along with "baby babble" that I think are words and phrases he hasn't quite developed, yet.


He's more prone to "talk on the phone" when I'm on the phone, but he also does it when I mute or turn off the tv--which is rare...explains why he does it then, since I usually only mute for phone calls.


Then there's the REAL calls to him: I have an extra cell phone, so I set one by his cage and put it on auto-answer. When I'm out, I call the number and talk to him...he talks to me. My husband thinks I spoil him too much. He is a bit self-centered.


When I'm on the computer, he starts attacking the keyboard. I used to think it was out of boredom; but when I thought about it in birdie sense, I realized he was trying to attack what was taking my attention away from him. I would have thought it was the screen, but I use my hands to type and I look at the keys when I do.


These are smart birds! One day they're all going to flock together and take over the world! (Yeah, you found me out...I watched "Pinky and the Brain")

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Richardsmommy wrote:

Richard "talks on the phone". He makes the phone ring sound then continues with, "hello? Oh, [jubberish] yeah...uh-huh?...ok?...ok!...Oh...[jibberish]...yeah...uh-hu...What?....uh-huh...uh-huh...come again?...ok...uh-huh...yeah...yeah...ok...[jubberish]...excuse me?...excuse me?...can you hear me?...oh, OK!...yeah...uh huh?...yeah...yep...I know...ok...ok...[jibberish]..ok...uh-huh...ok...ok!...well, I gotta go...uh-huh...ok...I love you...bye-bye!" His "[jibberish]" includes words and phrases he also knows along with "baby babble" that I think are words and phrases he hasn't quite developed, yet.


Oh Jeez. Mine does that too! He has the click the phone makes when it's hung up down pat too. His conversations are hilarious. Sometimes he throws in random things he just likes saying... in the middle of his "phone conversation" you hear something like "how are you?... haha... ohhh..LET THE DOG OUT... yup... bye... CLICK"


The most annoying sound is the dog's squeaky toys...which naturally needs to be said when the dog is also playing with a squeaky toy. It's bad enough when the dog does it *sigh*

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lovemyGreys wrote:

Definitely has to be clucking for me ! i use to cluck at my two boys when they were babies,they have now taught coco my 3rd grey to cluck ! so three greys clucking like chickens is not funny :unsure: :pinch:


I'm sorry, but that is a hillarious image I have in my mind. Don't you just love them.

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