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Can I teach my Grey to lay on his back or is this a long shot?


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Our little TAG is between 4-5 months and I had some questions regarding training or techniques. I've seen a few videos on youtube of greys on their backs either playing on the bed or swinging upside down from someones hand. In your opinion, is this tought or just something natural within that bird. My little guy will spend a good part of his day upside down on his boing, sometimes he even gets a little shut eye for a split second that way.


In my avatar pic, his one foot was actually tucked as if he was in total relax mode, but when he heard the camera turn on he started to play as I snapped the pic.


Having said that, I am having a hard time in figuring out how to take the same playful antics and transfer them to my hand. While holding him on my finger, I can tuck him into my chest in front of me and gently support his back with my free hand and he will let me turn him over. As soon as my free hand moves away though he will grab onto my shirt with his beak and begin to climb up. It happens every time like clockwork.


If we don't get this activity down its ok, I just thought it would be best do do these things while he is young so I don't end up with some holy hands later in our relationship...

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If your bird will already let you lay him down on his back and support him, he's well on his way to living life as a bat :) Our Grey did the same as yours, hanging and playing so it was a natural progression to her learning to trust me playing with her upside down. She was very growly and not-so-sure about it at first and still reverts back slightly when she gets a little spooked. She's now one of those birds that will grab my hand and pull it over on top of her while she flips and then wants to wrestle. She also has developed a thing for what I call bouncing the baby. She loves to lay on her back in my hand completely unsupported while I bounce her and let her get that feeling of weightlessness on the way back down. She always lets out little happy sounds when we play like that. Another of her favorites is playing birdy hockey on top of the fridge. We have a round yogurt cap that I try to shoot between her legs. She'll go after it and once she has it will flip upside down and play with it. I'll have to post the video sometime.


Just keep doing it and your bird will eventually learn to trust you and you can start doing more and more.

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She also has developed a thing for what I call bouncing the baby. She loves to lay on her back in my hand completely unsupported while I bounce her and let her get that feeling of weightlessness on the way back down.


Thanks for the ideas, I'd love to get to this point ^^^ one day with him...

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Some greys will naturally allow themselves to be rolled over on their backs by us but mine is not one of them, she occasionally hangs upside down in her cage playing but if I try to roll her over in my lap or just on my hand she will have no part of it but maybe if I had tried it when she was still a just weaned baby then she might have been more receptive of it.

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This is a difficult training exercise to describe in words alone. Here is a video with small steps to reach your goal SLOWLY over time:


Thanks danmcq, this is one of the videos I was referring to. At the 1:20 mark is where I am at but instead of relax mode which his TAG is in our little guy will flip right back over. Just gotta keep working at it (SLOWLY)...


BTW: That Hyacinth towards the end is in total trust mode. What a beautiful bird...

Edited by tankaray
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I personally think most greys hate being on their back. Sophie will do so, but when I am really busy, she has no patience for me any longer. She lets me know, I am working too much and I need to listen to her. She will stop me in my crazy life... I listen. A few tickles on her stomache... I let her know, I am listening. Next day I am off is all about her. Nancy

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Dayo has rolled on his back since a baby only 16 weeks old when playing with toys for example. He'll grab a small ball or other foot toy, flip on his back and attack the crap out of it. He also has always rolled over on my wife's lap when chilling with her and getting scratches. Each grey is different, but I have seen many greys and other parrots that like to roll over on there backs when playing or enjoying snuggle time with their love muffin. :)


Here's a short video of him about 3 years ago rolling over to attack his boing in the wrong place with insufficient room. Thank god he was flighted at that time and flapped down to the floor. :P


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Dayo has rolled on his back since a baby only 16 weeks old when playing with toys for example. He'll grab a small ball or other foot toy, flip on his back and attack the crap out of it. He also has always rolled over on my wife's lap when chilling with her and getting scratches. Each grey is different, but I have seen many greys and other parrots that like to roll over on there backs when playing or enjoying snuggle time with their love muffin. :)


Here's a short video of him about 3 years ago rolling over to attack his boing in the wrong place with insufficient room. Thank god he was flighted at that time and flapped down to the floor. :P



Pretty impressive grey size wise using you cage as a reference. Ive seen a few CAGs that were given to the local pet store to sell, and they dwarf our Charlie.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Mine loves playing and especially having a little play fight on his back.


I just have to make sure he doesn't get over excited and out of control so if i see signs of that I calm things back down.


I initially taught my CAG to go onto his back by


1: Having him stand on my hand

2: gently placing my hands over his wings

3: bending my body forward so that the majority of his weight is now resting in my hands


I did this until he got use to being upside down, then he just started flipping over himself as he thinks its fun :)


Lots of praise and treats (positive reinforcement)


I might see if I can do a video, as its a little hard to demonstrate in words

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Excellent post Sterling! Gracie is young yet... trusts you completely which is great! I suspect as she matures...you may see a different attitude.( of course I hope she doesn't change her mind!) She is adorable!

I watched the video of the Macaw that was trained to lay on his back. Noticed the " complaint"! BUT... as trainer said, it is important for bird to learn to lay on back for health reasons. ( trimming, or bleeding nail). Watching the Grey lay on his back, he didn't really like it, but did it out of trust. Sophie will do it as well since she trusts me completely. She just doesn't like it. I would LOVE to see a video of a mature Grey, that LOVES to be on their back just because! Nancy

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Excellent post Sterling! Gracie is young yet... trusts you completely which is great! I suspect as she matures...you may see a different attitude.( of course I hope she doesn't change her mind!) She is adorable!

I watched the video of the Macaw that was trained to lay on his back. Noticed the " complaint"! BUT... as trainer said, it is important for bird to learn to lay on back for health reasons. ( trimming, or bleeding nail). Watching the Grey lay on his back, he didn't really like it, but did it out of trust. Sophie will do it as well since she trusts me completely. She just doesn't like it. I would LOVE to see a video of a mature Grey, that LOVES to be on their back just because! Nancy



Sorry Nancy, didn't mean to insinuate that was my Greycie laying on the piano. I found that video because I follow Einsteins feed. Greycie likes to wrestle on her back but I highly doubt she will lay there calmly like that for that long. I have a piano I'll have to try. However I can't play it :( We'll have to pretend.

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