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Cage Problem (question)


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We've had our Greybies since they were about three months old, brought them home when they were about four. They've always had the same cages, which they sleep in at night or when I need them to not be underfoot (like when I am cleaning the other cages). Last night, I was using the steamer to clean the Sun Conure and Cockatiel's cage. They were in Noah's side of the Green Cheek cage together, and I let Noah in with his mom and sisters. Everyone was behaving pretty well then Marden decided for some reason to have a panic moment and somehow got his wing caught between the bars of the cage in the back. He was up on top of the boing, near the roof of the cage and I blamed it on him being 'crammed' (self imposed) in the corner - which is how he normally sleeps. Daddy came rushing in and got him loose very quickly, luckily. Afterwards, everything felt fine upon assessment and he had no trouble flying. Now tonight, I put them to bed, and heard flapping and went back in and he was again stuck with the end of his wing through the bars on the door. As I was trying to help him get loose, he managed to free himself, but not after considerable loud squawking and some flapping around and trying to bite the hands that were attempting to help him.


His cage bar spacing is supposed to be appropriate for his size (it's the medium size EZ-Care playtop cage). Inner cage dimensions measure 32" x 23" x 37" and outer dimensions measure 41" x 32" x 78" with 3/4" bar spacing. According to everything I have read, this is supposed to be appropriate size and spacing for a Grey. Although he is a fairly large male Grey, so I've been told - he weighs in at around 500g. I am not sure what he's doing in order to get caught up, besides flapping around in a wild panic. Tonight I took him up to the bedroom where he's sleeping with Megan (and Daddy, who went to bed very early). The cage up there is small, but used only for sleeping, and has smaller bar spacing. I am not even sure a wing would fit through the bars.


Should I replace his main cage with a cage with smaller spacing? I fear him getting caught up in the bars when I'm not here. Luckily both times someone was right there with him. I just worry about the what if - it happens while I am gone to the market or something?


Any opinions or advice?

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Is there any reason NOT to go with smaller bar spacing? Say 1/2"instead of 3/4"? He's had night terrors in the sleeping cage and never gotten caught up. I think it is a 1/2" spacing (it was formerly the Sun Conures cage before he moved in with the Cockatiel in a big 'duplex'). The towel idea sounds good but I am afraid a towel wouldn't survive his beak very long. He's destroyed three boings so far. He loves to tear the fibers apart.


They don't spend a lot of time in the cages right now. Mostly if we run errands or if I am cooking or something else that isn't safe for a flighted bird to participate in. Other than that they spend most of their time on the stand in the kitchen, where they are right now. We are still settling in and I am still job hunting. Once I find a job, however, they will be in their cages during work hours. That's what worries me. If he gets stuck and can't get loose, I am afraid if no one is here he may injure himself.

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I understand your worries, they tend to panic quite easily in these situations and they will (in my experience) not calm down until they got loose.


About the inches, I have no clue, my country uses centimeters as measurement so I have no idea :P


Maybe you could replace the perch? Or even get something like a little teddybear, if you're lucky he might like it a lot and he wont shred it apart :P

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There is no reason not to go with a 1/2 bar spacing. Especially when his safety is #1. The smaller spacing will lessen his chances of getting a wing caught. In metric 3/4 inches would be 1.905 cm.

Edited by danmcq
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Thanks to all who replied. So far all has been okay the last few days. I think the change in environment has made him a bit more 'flighty'. I am going to start looking for a different cage. For now, he's sleeping upstairs every night. He doesn't like going "up to bed" at night so much, but loves it in the morning because he gets to wake me up. This morning he starting barking like the dog and cawing like a crow and Megan admonished him "Birdy QUIET!" with a strong emphasis on the word "quiet". It sounded very command-like. (We have an afternoon 'nap time' called "Birdy Quiet Time." Megan has truncated that to "Birdy Quiet").

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