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Victory!! I am no longer "Phthhhh"


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At least not by Cotay, she said my name yesterday! She still completely hates me, but now she can tell me and i will listen to her because i will know it is me she is talking too. "Ahhh, Lisa? Weirdo!" Not quite what i had in mind when trying to teach any one of them my name, but i will take what i can get, and really, i can't deny that i am a weirdo. I do live with 6 parrots!

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My current moniker of LuLu little lady sounds much better to me now that Cotay has put her spin on the "right" name. Hahahaha, that is priceless. She may be the first to call you Lisa and that's a start. On the other hand, she may teach all the others to add the wierdo to your servant name. LOL.

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Since she speaks alot of Spanish, i have taken to calling her miha. She actually calms down when i call her that, and will even stick her her beak out of the bars like she wants a kiss. However, i am not that easily duped, twice.

She wouldn't let me clean her cage yesterday and it was hard cleaning the others because she was coming after me to attack! She destroyed a phone book and the paper is, and i am not embellishing this, half way up the inside of the center of her cage. It covers a branch that goes across. It seems i am back to phtttth, geek and weirdo now too, refuses to say my name again! She tugged my heart string, then quickly cut that string!

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