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Sleep Cage


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I was wondering how many people use sleep cages. I don't feel that Phoenix is getting the proper sleep since he is right in the middle of everything. I have a spare bedroom that I would like to get a smaller cage for him to sleep in. What size cages do you recommend? Also what do you keep in the sleep cages such as toys, food, water.

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One of my greys has a sleep cage in my bedroom. She was our first parrot, and it has been this way since day one. Even tho we moved and have several other birds, I always kept her sleeping arrangements the way she always knew. She LOVES her sleeping cage. If I make too much noise in my bedroom, she shushes me..if that doesn't work she starts smashing her bell! M others sleep in a room off of my living room, covered for quiet time. My birds would never get any sleep if they were in the middle of everything.

Her sleep cage is quite large. It has toys, food & water also.

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My parrots have a bird room, I know longer have a spare room for overnight guests, now the bird room. They sleep in their cages with the drapes closed and the lights off. They do have boings and perches throughout my home for the daylight hours which they go to from room to room as they follow me or I follow them, whichever. My office and my bedroom are off limits. I use their sleep cages when we go for overnight/weekends at my children's homes.

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I don't believe in sleep cages. Their cage is their home. Bedtime is bedtime! But if it works for you, then do it! My birds go to bed at 8pm because thats the time I told them it was bedtime. With open cage concept, I had many birds come out after bedtime, for me to say " It's bedtime!" Back to cage. I only covered their cages when very young. My birds put themselves to bed at this point. They are not babies, but we still enjoy reading a book together. I read to them nightly. Sophie gets " Thomas the Tank Engine"... second book is my choice. Nancy

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Gracie sleeps in her regular cage, but it is basically the only time she is in there unless she wants "private time". Our nightly routine does not include bedtime stories, though I may try that. Instead Gracie asks to go to bed and then steps up nicely to be placed in her cage. Then when I start to close the door, she gets feisty and says "Gracie bite!" and she lunges at the cage door near my fingers and strikes the bars. Then she says, "I'm sorry." With that I cover her cage and she goes to sleep. I'm not sure why she likes this habit, but it makes me laugh. She makes out like she is such a "big bad bird", but she never hurts me at all. It's just a big game.

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Try reading to her at bedtime.When she says" gracie bite", correct her behavior. Tell her " Gracie does not bite," then start reading her a story.Sophie LOVES her bedtime story and I think it is a great habit to get into. It takes five minutes, and greys are fascinated. Start with cloth books so Gracie can have some " beak on" time. Nancy

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