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Not a chance, but only because I am usually the last one up. Hubby gets up at four and goes for a run. He always leaves a light on and Gilgirl starts talking and hooting and making all sorts of commotion as I cover my head with a blanket and squeeze my pillow around my ears. By the time he gets out of the shower she is on full tilt. How could I sleep in while she is out there mocking him and blowing her nose and making really loud sneezing sounds followed by loud raucous laughter. She calls the dogs to go outside and they scramble out from under the covers and I know if I don't hit the ground running, I will regret it. When she hears the rustle of my covers her morning has officially started and she starts calling to me to get her a cracker. If I make it to six thirty am, I have officially "slept in".

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HAH! I think all Parrots have a sixth sense. They KNOW the instant you get up even if it's around a corner, down the hallway to your bedroom. At least ours do. Also, if you don't get up when they think it's time, they will start calling for you. But, we are always normally up way before it's time for them to be. So no, I don't tiptoe or anything. If they ask to be uncovered at 4am I just quietly tell them it's still night-night time and they know that covers not coming off before 6am.

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Yup, I try & tip toe as I get up at 4am also. They always hear me, as I am coming down the stairs, Nilah will shake to flutter her feathers, Rikki will say, "Coo.." They have to wait until 7:55 to get up, as that's when I get home from bringing my son to school.

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Woww, I guess I am lucky my parrots are quiet until I get up. Of course they have heavy drapes in their birdroom so the room is pitch dark until I open the drapes. The first thing I do is let my pug out to do her business and then make birdie breakfasts. They are waiting quietly for a dish full when I pop on the birdroom light. Patience is a virtue in my house.

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I also agree on the sixth-sense hypothesis :D Joe gets up at about 6 and heads to the lower level to work out. Inara stays snoozing, or quiet until Joe finishes and lets the dog out, or until she hears me stir at about 7:05ish -- whichever comes first. It does amaze me how she can hear me sit upright in bed. The bed does not squeak, and there is carpet on the floor and our bedroom is catty-corner in the house to where her home is. I'm still at the thrilled to spend every moment I can with her, so no tiptoeing around here yet ---- ask me again in 10 years :D :D

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Jeez.... I've got lazy birds! I also get up around 4-4:30 am. I'm quite noisy! Dogs sleep with me, so off first thing to do their business. Next I shower. Sophie is talking softly.After my shower I gather their food and water bowls. She is still talking softly. Not interested in a full interaction, so I just pick her up and snuggle for ten minutes.She is a serious snuggle girl. I prepare Sophie's and Sunny's food. Now Sunny is awake and ready!Sophie back on her cage not interested in eating yet.She is back asleep when I head off for work. On the weekend... she is up and ready at 8am. She is an 8pm to 8am kind of girl!LOL! Nancy

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