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I'm always interested in these recipes as well if anyone has one. I use cornbread mix (I know this isn't ideal), a couple of eggs, handful of spinach, handful of frozen mixed vegetables, 1/4 cup nuts, and add apple juice until cornbread consistency. Then I cook it according to the mix directions. I nuke the frozen veggies before stirring them in (just to thaw and warm a bit). Timber only eats but a few bites in the morning. I'm always trying to sneak a vegetable to him, and this is just another way.

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I use a common cornbread mix, with a couple, or three, jars of veggie &/or fruit baby food. When you add an egg or two, mix it in a blender, shell and all. You could add bits of nuts, ground up pellets, small pieces of dried fruit, or some birdseed mix. Follow directions on the box, adding these other things before baking. By adding baby food, you'll give them veggies that they normally won't eat. My guys usually eat this up. I make it somewhat different each time.

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Yeah, mine is the same way. Start with the box of cornbread then add what you want him to eat. My basic is broccoli, carrots, green leafy stuff (beet greens, kale etc) corn just whatever really. Last time we added some diff type of seeds like chia, hemp, flax and some walnuts to it. They ate it up. If you add too much stuff and it gets too thick, thats is when i add baby food for the moisture. Hope that helps!

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I am like the rest ... every time I make it .. its a bit different ...


Marco stopped eating ANY type of pellets months ago which concerned me greatly that she wasnt getting proper nutrition so ...when I make the birdie bread I hide ALLLLLLL that stuff in there and she loves loves loves it.


I use a cornbread mix also, make it like the directions, add the egg AND the shell, then I put in frozen mixed veges, and then any type of fresh veges i have that day from peppers, jalapenos, celery, carrots etc, toss in a big handful of her pellets, nuts if I have them, put it in a baking dish with palm oil in it sprinkle flax seed on the top of it, maybe some cinnamon or red pepper flakes.


Marco lovessssssssss birdie bread she gets a little chunk with each fresh meal she gets. I cut mine up into chunks and then freeze the rest. 1 batch lasts me about 2 weeks or so, she gets it twice a day at breakfast/dinner :D


I LOVE the idea of doing the babyfood tho :) I might check into that! I dont put anything fruity in mine its all vege based/nuts/pellets.

bake as directed on the box

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Just run any veggies you know are safe through a blender or chopper then add to your basic cornbread mix I use carrot juice instead of water or milk, have used coconut milk successfully as well. Good tip adding ground flax, quinoa, raw nuts and some fruit, spices like red pepper, ginger and cinnamon work well too.

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I found this recipe at african-grey.com - my litte Ivan devours this stuff and as most have said, its a great way to hide some extra nutritional items that otherwise would be frowned upon or possibly flung in your general direction - followed by a 'toot' noise. Spoiled little brat! :-)


Birdie Bread Recipe


Months ago Carla stumbled across a “birdie bread” recipe on the net. We tried it and our birds LOVED it. We have modified it a bit to suit our birds and we would like to share the recipe with you. We feed one ‘cube’ a day per bird, usually right after they get up in the morning.




2 Packages of Martha White Corn Bread Mix (no sugar)

3 Tablespoons of baking powder

2 eggs with shells (blend together)

5 jars of baby food. (We use lots of ‘red’ veggies such as sweet potatos, carrots plus a meat mix and fruit mix)

1/4 cup applesauce

3/4 cup peanut butter (low salt)

2 cups baby cereal (find one with the lowest percentage of iron)

1 cup chopped fresh veggies or fruit or both


Mix the dry ingredients seperately then blend with the wet ingredients. The batter will be very firm and thick. Place the batter in a 9 x 13 cooking pan (spray will cooking spray to avoid sticking) and bake in a 400 degree oven for about 30 minutes or until the bread is done to a cake like texture. Cut into 1 inch ‘cube’s and feed once a day. We seperate out a weeks worth at a time and store in the fridge and freeze the rest.

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Experimented with a recipe tonight using a cornbread mix and some Ninja blended veggies, baby food and some nuts. Turned out somewhat wet even though though the edges were getting crispy. Need to find a way to dry the mix up a bit.


Greycie inhales it as it is but would like to make it a bit drier.

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