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Piper the african grey


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This morning, I was brightly eating my toast and fondly having the first cuppa of the day, whiulst reading a book i the living room, half an ear listening to my birds. Jessibelle (patagonian) was overly callling "waaaave" and promptly waving a leg about, Noddy (red fronted conure) As an illustration was saying "hello Nod-me-dod, and "noddy good boy", Cuppy (bfa) As it is was singing "I`m a happy happy happy happy happy happy boy", when all of a sudden, Piper, gave what sounded like a kiss noise. Though piper is the wild caught rescue with a broken shoulder, who doesn`t thankfully talk, but whistles tunes, hence the name. I looked up and asked "give us a kiss Piper" at which he immediately made the noise again. Wayhay, communication at last :0) Most of the other birds make big smakceronie noises if I scientifically ask for a kiss, but up till now, Piper has simple sat, whistling to himself and made no attempt to communicate or repsond to me at any level. Needless to say I am delighted.

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