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Hello everyone! I am new member from Macedonia.


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Thank you all for your welcoming messages.

Poly is 3 years old. He is very dynamic and never stop talking. His food is consist of mixed seeds, nuts and fresh fruits and vegetables. So far I have never gave him pellets. His cage is custom made with front and rear made of 8mm clear view glass. Most interesting episode of his life so far, happened 2 years ago (he was 1 year old at the time). He "decided" to "explore" the world so he opened the door of the cage and flew out through the balcony. After 10 hours of walking around the neighborhood, searching and calling after him, and dozen of e-mails and 500 distributed leaflets later, a "friend of a friend's friend of my daughter's friend according to anonymous sources" :-) has passed an info that Poly was found a few kilometers away from home. Few minutes later I have received call on my mobile but from encrypted/hidden number. Raspy voice said: "If you want your bird back, you should rise the award you have promised in your leaflets" If you agree, we'll meet you at the gas station near the Skopje Fair, and once you will show me the money I will bring you the bird" I could not believe my ears ! I thought that someone is making fun of me. Looking for Poly turn to be "hostage rescue operation" and reward I have offered become "ransom" Half an hour latter two guys meet me and after half an hour of negotiations and haggling we agreed on the "ransom" and they took me to their house and I had Poly back. :-)

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Welcome Jovan and Poly! :)


The photos of the cage and Poly are beautiful. What a story of them holding Poly hostage for a reward higher than offered, some people these days are unbelievable!!!


I am looking forward to hearing more from you. :)

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That is quite the story! You sure you didn't lose Poly in Washington D.C. (haahaaahaahaaaahhaaa). Our lil Greycie went on the lamb also for two days straight. She had the help of my sister-in-law who definitely should have known better with a flighted bird of her own. We however did not have to pay a ransom to get Greycie back as she had perched herself in a tree near a cycling trail that I always took her on.


Your pictures are interesting. Is Poly tethered in the second photo? Someone asked the sex of your bird. I'm guessing female. I have 50% chance of looking real smart on this one :)

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I also really like your cage. I thought it was missing a door! It makes my heart sick that Poly was held for ransom. I'd like to thump those jerks in the head. I would pay anything I had to get Gracie (My CAG) back if something like that happened to her. I am glad it ended well, but I'm secretly praying that those kidnappers acquire an embarrassing skin disease in their "private area".

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I also really like your cage. I thought it was missing a door! It makes my heart sick that Poly was held for ransom. I'd like to thump those jerks in the head. I would pay anything I had to get Gracie (My CAG) back if something like that happened to her. I am glad it ended well, but I'm secretly praying that those kidnappers acquire an embarrassing skin disease in their "private area".


Heh...I like your idea of them getting skin disease "down there" :D

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Thank you!

It is also good with this cage that rear side is also made from glass and you can put different wall papers on the outer side...you just print what you like, although Poly is a bit confused for an hour or two with the new cage background.

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Macedonia is small country and Skopje has around million citizens, so it is obvious that it is easier to find lost pet. Also, it is not usual that someone will ask for money to give you back your pet - but unfortunately this was the case with my bird. It is fortunate that those people were not aware how much CAG costs nor that it is CAG...it was just a bird for them. Theoretically, I could have called police and prove them that Poly is mine because he has leg ring and under-skin chip but I am not sure that Police would have take me serious. On the other hand, people who found Poly might have find his price (around 1200 US$) and to hide it and to sell it to somebody else half price (just remove the ring and "dig-up" the chip and bird is not your anymore).

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Hello, Jovan and Poly. What a frustrating experience to have your beautiful companion held for ransom by the people who found her. So evil !! I'm very happy and relieved that you were able to get her back and, that as you said, the thugs did not know how valuable she is in $$$.


Her cage is just so beautiful, and I love the idea of being able to put different wall papers on the back of it for visual variety.


It's very nice to "meet" you both, and I'll be looking forward to becoming better acquainted. :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Zdravo Jovane,

Nadam se da cemo se i ovako razumeti ;)

Lepa ptica!

Puno pozdrava iz Beograda!


Ha, ha,

Ok Dave, no problem ;)


Hello John,

A nice birdie, many kind regards from Belgrade :)


Hope Dave007 is satisfied now ;)

Edited by Grumpy
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Jovan, I also enjoy the home you created for Poly, it is very well done. As for the extra you paid to get Poly back, it was a wise choice considering that once you had your eyes on him, they could have moved him or hurt him before the police would come to prove he could come home with you. So much better that Poly could be back safely. Your negotiators were not very clever to take you to their house. It might occur to me to send them all my dirty cage liners every day. Better to smile and learn something and just live a happy life with your Poly. Thank you for joining us and letting us learn from one another.

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