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OOOohhh Squeaky Toy....how I love thee


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Sooooo.... About 4 weeks ago maybe, my son comes over and was all excited to have bought the dog some new squeaky toys. I didnt think anything of it. I know since he moved out he misses the "family" dog that he claims is "his" dog but whatever. And Im not sure if ya'll do this but... when you play catch with them with a squeaky toy you gotta squeeze that thing like 129837604372 times to get the dogs attention then you throw it and the dog chewing on it makes the noise some more and they bring it back to you and you repeat the process like 15 more times. OR ... you find it laying there on the floor no dogs around and have to step on it 60 times to wake the dog up and then just continue to walk on by.


OK ... maybe its just my house that does this but regardless........


Soooo flash forward the last week'ish. Marcos making a new sound that we figured she was fine tuning like the other words she practices. OWWWWWWWWW OWWWWWW OWWWWWWWWW... and we'll just look at her puzzled cuz well no one really says "ow" in the house. So we then have tried to think, what else could she possibly be trying to say.


OWWWWWWWWWWWWW OWWWWWWWWWWW OWWWWWWWWWWWWWW and then ... it just so happens the DOG picks up the squeaky toy and starts to play at the same time and low n behold :mad: the toy makes the identical sound :eek: :eek: :rolleyes:


So Jay looks at me and says OMG Shes making the squeaky toy sound! Sure enough! Now its bad enough the dog hasta squeak that thing all day long but now Marco is echo'ing it with her 2 cents worth ...


I was just SHOCKED that she could mimic that sound! SOOOOOOO .. what have we learned?


NO SQUEAKY TOYS ALLOWED or wack my son next time he tries to bring in toys for the dog! :P

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LMAO ty for feeling my pain!!!!! And truly .. its one of those sounds apparently shes really enjoying making. I course told my son about this (bad idea) he took great delight that the bird is now a feathery squeaky toy herself and has made it his mission to find ANYTHING that makes noise for the dogs to bring over ...


<stands guard at the front door> :mad:

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LOL, yep the squeaky toy sound was one of the first Dayo picked up as well. Our dobermans loved those and walked around through out the day playing with them. Just be aware many other household sounds etc. will be coming out of your grey as well. :)

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Well shes already had me get up and check the microwave twice thinking to myself ... oh shoot was I cooking something? :confused: or she did the phone locate button for our cordless phone at like 11pm one night and I thought .... Im sitting right by the base where you have to PUSH that button to set off the locators and I didnt think I saw anyone come by and push it, everyone was in bed so I go looking for the phones myself :rolleyes: thinking .. who the hell is looking for the phones?? she also has the washer and the fridge if its open to long beeps ... shes got them ALLLL down

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