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Help! Scary moment.


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Scary moments. Echo somehow managed to get his lower beak caught in a metal loop that hold toys on the cage. I think the piece you twist to tighten was stuck in the space under his beak. He the wildly flapped around while screaming trying to get out if it while I tried to get a towel wrapped around him to stop him so I could help. I got him unstuck, there is a tiny amount of blood under his beak, but it stopped immediately. He is now sitting on my chest whimpering, poor baby!

Pray that he is okay as I have to leave for school soon.

I just looked and there is a piece of his beak that looks indented and the whole area is red and tender. He gets upset when I touch it.

What should I watch for?


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Poor guy, I'll say a prayer for him. In the couple months I have owned our grey, he's had a few scary landings etc that earned a prayer or two. I find myself acting like a doc in the box many times checking his bone structure to make sure he's ok, but it's really for my peace of mind. No blood yet, thank God.


I don't have any advice on what to look for on Echo as I am new to bird ownership, but I am sure other veteran members will be along shortly with some sound ideas.

Edited by tankaray
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How scary! I hope he will be ok :( I've read another story somewhere online if this happening, except it Quik link went all the way through. I believe that person took to bird straight to the vet for them to remove it. Sorry, I can't recall anything else about that story.

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Sorry to hear this happened. We all must check those Links each day to ensure they are tight. I use pliers to tighten mine. However, a parrot can still over time loosen them. Since the bleeding stopped immediately, as was suggested, just watch for infection and changes in eating and habits. If anything does change, the vet should be seen immediately.

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Update: I had to leave Echo to go to school. WHen I came home, Echo was eating and drinking. And dancing. So.. I'm guessing he will be okay. I am watching him for a few days to make sure he is okay. The only bad thing about all of this- While trapped, Echo was screaming. So..... now Radar knows how to scream, and he did it ALL evening last night.


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Update: I had to leave Echo to go to school. WHen I came home, Echo was eating and drinking. And dancing. So.. I'm guessing he will be okay. I am watching him for a few days to make sure he is okay. The only bad thing about all of this- While trapped, Echo was screaming. So..... now Radar knows how to scream, and he did it ALL evening last night.



Its good to hear Echo is acting more normal now but the copycat screaming is to be expected but hopefully it will soon be replaced by a more pleasant noise.

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Very glad to hear this seems to have ended well!! A possible solution is to replace your quick links w/zip ties. You can only use them once because they have to be cut off. But they're cheap & not dangerous to the fids. The other thing is to use plastic "C" links that are sold for attaching baby toys.





Edited by birdhouse
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Wow, I am so glad that this turned out okay, what a scary experience. I had never given a thought to these quick links because they come from the bird store. Now that you mention it though some are made just to unscrew and "drop" open and some have a spring inside. I find them so much more difficult to open and change but now I am going to replace all of them with the zip ties. Thanks so much for the heads up.

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Hate to say that just because it's store bought doesn't mean it's ok for fids. I've seen lots of toys w/galvanized quick links & the pear shaped links which can also be very dangerous. A beak can get wedged in the pointy end kind of easily. At one point, I went to the hardware store & just laid in my own supply of good links. But the older my hands get, the more of a pain they are to unscrew. Somewhere along the way, I got pretty fond of those links & zip ties.

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I know those little "c" links you displayed I had bought a bunch for marco and at first it was great .. she used them just as toys until she got her beak stuck in one so I stopped letting her use them like that I spose as a hanger of a toy or something perhaps it would be ok but id still be careful

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