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Dayo Chatting this morning...


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I enjoy Dayo chatting away. I love the part on the second video as he is narrating mommy's routine, hair combing, watering the flowers, etc. I thought Dayo was mocking Jake when I was watching his beak as he was talking and realized Jake must be in the room adding his two cents. LOL. I find myself leaning in close, watching his face while I am trying to determine if you are in the room talking, or if its all Dayo. Then, I heard your voice at the end and the volume is different when you come in. It is just the coolest thing to listen to a snippet of Dayo's day. Your video also helped me to come to the realization that in the beginning Gilgirl did a lot of sirens, foghorns and outdoor sounds from the coastal military base where she originated. I have not heard those sound effects in a long while and she doesn't have many from our home.

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Yes Jeff, Dayo can pierce your ears with some of those whistles, especially if he is sitting right on your shoulder. The ears do eventually stop ringing after a few minutes. As he aged, the sound effects and whistles became louder and louder. :)


Your right Dee, Jake is in the same room and when he starts squawking, Dayo will ask "What Jake?" or "Whats the matter Jake?". I wish some of those previous homes sound effects Gilgirl has in her vocal accomplishments would come back so you could record them in the future. I would love to hear them. One thing I do know, is they never forget! When they are relaxed and just chilling, many times they will go through various words, phrases, sound effects, whistles etc. Not their entire repertoire of course, that could be near a thousand, but over days, weeks, seasons you will hear them come out. Some are actually seasonal with Dayo anyway and things going on during it. I suppose kind of like we all reminisce at special times of the year when it brings those memories back to the forefront.

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Good thinking Dan, I have gotten some audio recordings of all my parrots and haven't been able to get them into a format to share off the recorder. I will renew my search for software to convert the files and leave the recorder on voice activated for Gilgirl. The video isn't working because if she sees me move she immediately will freeze. One thing I have been wanting to ask about your new home is if Dayo has his prefered kitchen faucet design yet.

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Hi Dee - In regards videoing. Sit your camera down and start recording, then walk away. Thats what I do. Otherwise Dayo will just sit there and stair at me and the camera. :P


We actually replaced the Faucet with a new one that is identical to our previous homes. Now he happily sits on the handle and watches out the kitchen widow when we're sitting outside on the deck and he helps us by turning the water on and off once again as before. :)


For new members that are not familiar with Dayo and having learned to turn the water on and off, here is a video of it:

Edited by danmcq
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