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When do they learn to grab food with their feet?


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Just curious is that a natural behavior that he will learn on his own or is it something I have to teach him? He is 3 and a half months old. Someone told me that if I give him everything by hand he will get lazy and not want to. He is fully weaned already.

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Just curious is that a natural behavior that he will learn on his own or is it something I have to teach him? He is 3 and a half months old. Someone told me that if I give him everything by hand he will get lazy and not want to. He is fully weaned already.


Parrots don't *learn * how to use one foot to hold food. Their feet are both hands and legs.

Monkeys don't * learn* how to use one hand.

Bears don't *learn* how to use their claws to hold fish.

Squirrels don't * learn * how to use both feet to eat.

People don't * learn * how to use one hand to hold something.


As you said it's natural behavior. Natural behavior isn't taught. It just exists.

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To a point that is true, but, if you take a right-handed child and continually hand him something and insist he uses his left hand, he will eventually 'learn' to use his left hand.


Well, as long as he/she uses a hand instead of a foot then the kid is normal. The kid would look odd when eating cereal with his feet. As far as me, I'm ambidexturous so no *lessons* were ever needed. I'm so lucky.

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Reminds me of a boss I had one time. Several of us were traveling to a meeting in a van. We were just chatting about the left-handed, right-handed thing. The boss said, "Well, I'm amphibious," and smirked. Sad thing was I was the only one that laughed, the others nodded wisely and said "Oh, really?" Makes me question the IQs of my coworkers...

Edited by Timbersmom
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