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Don't yell at the automated man when on the phone!!


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I had a big issue with our cable yesterday, att-uverse. (which i would like to say never got resolved, bad company with lousy customer service) Almost each transfer, i got disconnected and when i called back I would get the automated guy asking me stupid questions like my number, what am i calling for etc. It got to where i was yelling, and i mean yelling loud and with pure anger, I was outside or at the farthest corner inside away from the birds. Bad words were slipping out so i did not want to be near them, it was only to the automated guy so i could vent before a rep got on the line with me. When the human would get on i would walk back inside. I guess greys can hear way more than i thought. Once inside Cotay decided to repeat, "F*#@in Rep" and wouldn't stop. She came to us with that word and had only said it once after i had taken her picture so if we ever felt the need to drop it, we would go outside. Big back slide i am afraid to say... Arrggg...Now i hate U-Verse even more!!!!

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Better to yell at the automated dude than a real person (like you ever get to talk to one). That is an excellent time to vent if you ask me. I have the same problems with Verizon and their useless automated system. Do those people really think I wouldn't just look at my account online or my phone if I want to know how many minutes I've used, if my payment posted, yada, yada. Nothing makes me angrier, and I'm usually pretty restrained. When I call that number, it is with an issue that needs resolution, not for general information. I think they know that, and make me jump through all those hoops hoping I will give up.


I guess I'm just trying to say... I feel your pain!

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I feel your pain. Round and round with U-Verse trying to say yes, I would love your package but they could not deliver to my house. Neighbors on every side, but my house was an anamoly. A year ago, they finally made it "mandatory" to join U-Verse and I said "do so at your own peril". If you mess me up again, I am going to drop AT$$T and we have had you for thirty years and have spent this many tens of thousands on your services. Messed up and I dropped them after being loyal for our entire marriage. And yes, its the automated phone systems that get my blood pumping when your answer doesn't fit the script. In your defense though I have heard that if you drop a four letter word, some of the systems will connect you automatically to a human due to the frustration levels. I say pool, boat, spit, ship.... hasn't helped yet.

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LOl, well we're all human and once in a blue moon do a a few frick fracks out when so pissed we're about to explode, the brain gets over loaded and the mouth just spews out the results. If someone were in reach we would probably sock them up instead though...:P

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Bubba decided to chime in with the f bomb last night. 2 years of not using that word (inside the house) and one day with a slip and now the two that knew the word when they joined our flock are using it again, alot. All we can do is repeat back, "yes, duck, quack quack". If people outside can hear us, they must think we are nuts! And because we had finally gotten to a place where Thanksgiving will be at our house again, i have one month to fix this! hahaha! I can hear it now, " Turkey's ready" followed by one "F*#@" and one F*#@ing Geek"! Explaining that to my husbands family will be fun!

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Phoenix just turned 7 months on the 11th. Poor thing had to hear me spend 3 days on the phone with Comcast. They missed THREE appointments! I know his first words are going to be " Are you "F Bomb" kidding me"!! I was BEYOND enraged as Comcast has a policy that if you do not answer the phone hours before your scheduled appointment time they will not send the technician to your home. So I sat for 3 days from 8 am until 2 pm waiting for them not to show up THREE times. Needless to say I have a $0 balance on my next bill. lol I just truly hope that he didn't pick up on that. I will be so mad at myself.

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Isn't that the truth Ray!

So they technician came yesterday and I had every intention of wasting his time until i felt my anger was vindicated. I was going to demand the cable be run thru the attic, have him check all the lines while he was up there (we had insulation blown in a few years ago, so tracing the line would be hard) and i was going to leave all the birds in the room he was working in so they would scream at him. I was at a loss for words and was stunned when i opened the door and it was one of my associates that worked for me at Depot. And I really liked this guy, very hard worker. So my master plan of being mean didn't get to happen, in fact, i even hugged him when he left. Not how i pictured my service going at all! On the plus side, the birds have their cable and he gave me his direct number and said to not call the 800 number ever again!

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All is good! Now remember, you have until Thanksgiving to fix the bad language! LOL! My sister visits around every three months. She is scared to death around Sophie. Sophie has tried over and over to meet with her and be friends. My sister freaks out! Sophie finally had, had enough, and called her an " asshole", last visit. I almost choked on my drink!She hasn't said that word in a decade! Nancy

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Loved this thread! Don't even get me started on Comcast..... LOL Cable/phone companies are just the worst all the way around. We've been very careful not to swear in front of Inara. (I always say I was reared by wolves: my three older brothers) so at times I have been known to swear like a very unladylike sailor. However, in my dotage now, I rarely do and neither does my husband, although we do use the Battlestar Gallactica version of the F-bomb: Frak!!


Last week, though, Inara was on her play perch near our supper table, and Joe was getting most of my attention when Inara was enjoying her "carrot talk "time. She looked Joe directly in the eye and said, "You ass!" I thought I was going to die laughing. Joe, however did not find it as funny. I have a fantastic husband and have honestly never had the occasion to call him an ass. This did, give us a glimpse into Inara's first household, though.


Automated phone menus push me to the brink of frustration, and I so feel your pain!!! There used to be a website with a name like "talk to a human" or something like that, that gave hundreds of direct line phone numbers for large companies. I need to refind that and post it - all in the name of "swearing" prevention in parrots, hahahah!

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No cable here as I live in the country so its satellite and don't usually have much problem except when it rains heavy then we may lose the signal for a bit but customer service as a whole leaves a lot to be desired these days and don't get me started on automated phone menus, I hate having to press a number for English and I want to talk to a human preferably one I can understand which is hard to come by these days.

Josey doesn't say very many curse words and I have never heard her drop the f-word though she hears it from time to time from hubby, I think the worse she has spoken is bird turd and that is all my fault, guilty as charged. The best thing to do when they do utter foul language is to ignore it, I know its hard to do sometimes but if they get a reaction out of doing it then its just encouragement for more.

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Sterling Gris says "Damn Bird" now and then and I am guilty because I called him that when I was tired and not feeling well. My daughter has tried to teach him "red butt", as she loves to call him that when he dive bombs her head which is every time he sees her. So far he does not repeat.

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That's a riot! But did you all know that if you ignore the automated an and keep pressing 0 over and over, eventually you Will reach a human being? Try it, it works e dry time and I nver go thru that automated nonsense, the human will ask you the same things but will respond much quicker to your problem.

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The "live" persons are not any better. I have been waiting for a sleeper sofa I purchased 10/05/13 which I believe is now in Seattle, Washington and has been there so the "people" say since the date it was to be delivered to me. 10/12/13. Worse than not getting my sofa is that I have received the bill, which I have informed them that I will not pay until I get my sleeper and of course, they will, "get back to me." Still waiting.......

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I guess I'll chime in here on this topic. I don't ever cuss at people on the phone and I try not to get too belligerent. I suppose the reason is, I do software engineering support from home and have users calling me all the time upset because they want something fixed, added or changed NOW!. The more pissed off they are and are cussing, the slower and less likely I will get their stuff done quickly, just because I'm fuming, holding it in and sometimes can barely talk because I would just love to reach through the phone and slap the Sh!t out of them. A few times I have come very close to telling them "You do know... I know where you live, right?" :P


With that said, thats how Dayo learned both my and my wifes full name. Via phone calls and telling people what the first and last name is. He put two and two together pretty fast and just shocked us the first time he got impatient and came out with (((Dan McQuilliams))) ... I about fell on the floor from the eeriness of it. Like the devil calling you out! Well, I guess it could have been Almighty God trying to tell me something.. :P

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LOL, thats why i yelled at the automated guy! The peeps on the other end have all of my informatiion and control my cable! I could see them being mean and switching me to the highest plan, then when my bill came in, bamm, payback time. I am a csr and get yelled at all the time, so i feel their pain, and also know they are yelling at the wrong person but sometimes they just need to vent.

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