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Since I was never good at introductions...


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I will just tell you a little bit about our flock. We have two Greys, (Greybies as the husband calls them) Marden and Megan. We have a Sun Conure - Alejandro (Alex), a cockatiel - Maks, four Green Cheek Conures - Aunalese (Auna), Nava, Noah and Loralese (Lora) and an unnamed as yet budgie. They all live with Mommy and Daddy in a big new house after a 1400 mile move. Daddy is an engineer and I am a nurse.

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You did great with your introduction and leave me wanting to know more. Thanks for joining us. Its tough to move and get resettled and familiar with a new home. We moved about twelve times in a fifteen year period. After the first one, the rest were expected and it does get easier. Well... more streamlined maybe. Your flock is interesting. I also love the avatar photo of two affectionate greys.

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Welcome and glad to hear about your flock, fun names love your avatar pic.


Thanks! That is my all time favorite picture of our Greybies. That is Megan and Mar (L-R) in their aviary where we used to live. I just cropped it down some to fit as an avatar. Hubby built the temporary aviary (we knew we would be moving in a couple of years, and move we did...) from PVC and GAW wire mesh. That white pole is the center support for the top, and the colorful bit to the right side is the boing they are both sitting on, that wrapped around the pole. They loved being outside, but unfortunately, the weather there made using the aviary a rare treat. We plan to build bigger, better and permanent here in NC.

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Thank you! My husband came up with the "Greybies" as these truly are our babies. We can't have human children, so we have feathered and furred ones. Yes, the house is a riot in the morning when it's "Ready for BREAKfast. EEEEEEat your breakfast" time (per Megan). The GCC's don't talk much and when they do it sounds like they are whispering. However they all except the 'tiel and budgie do a GREAT Sun Conure imitation. That two note scream Sun Conures are so famous for? I have that it surround sound. LOL. I will try to get some pics up very soon.

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Thanks, and yes. Especially during breakfast time in the morning, and at free flight times. LOTS of (good) noise. I LOVE the sounds of birds. I love your sig line. Sometimes I'd suggest Megan was more demon than angel, when she's having one of 'those days' where everything she sees looks like something to chew or bite. Hehe.

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