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New Sound


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Escher has started something cute, he Barks. We have a dog Bowser but he's a big dog with a big bark, that's not what he imitates. Our downstairs neighbors have two small dogs and we didn't realize until a couple of days ago that he could hear the smallest one bark through the floor, we rarely hear them. He imitates this dogs bark perfectly. Escher loves to bark at my husband it's really cute. I'm trying to teach him "that's what the doggie says" when he barks. I'll let y'all know if I succeed.

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Very cute. Love those greys and their imitations.


My Cag use to go to the backyard patio door and bark like my pug who does that to get my attention so she can go outside to do her business. Sterling Gris would bark, I would go to let "Lily" out and Sterling Gris what fly in the opposite direction. Needless to say I put a stop to that real fast.

Edited by luvparrots
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Some times I wonder what makes some of those odd quiet backgrounds sounds worth the interest the greys seem to have for them. Then I think oh, birds are prey and it pays to listen carefully to your surroundings, so then do they repeat those sounds to warn others? Or just for entertainment value?

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