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Hello from Virginia!

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Hi, my name is Jimmy Cooper, I am 20 years old and I am in college. I am picking up my bird soon he is a 6 week old Timneh Grey. I am very excited to get him, any suggestions on how to teach him good things from the start? I went and spoon fed him today, and he is very sweet. Here are some pictures of him, enjoy. His name is Beaker by the way :)










Random pic of Peaches the cockatoo giving me a kiss haha


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Hello and welcome to the family, Jimmy, glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Beaker. I am from VA also, where about in the state are you, I am in the southwest portion.


Thanks for sharing some pictures of you and Beaker, it is so nice when the new members give us some photos so we know who we are talking with and to put a face with a name.


Why don't you read thru the threads for lots of useful information that will answer some of your qeustions and if you have specific questions we will do our best to get you an answer and help you in any way we can.

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Welcome Jimmy!!!


Those are great photos you sent and beaker is obviously already getting comfortable with you.


Just from the photos, I can see you are already starting out on the right foot with him. Getting him used to you holding and touching him in all different ways like giving scratches, rubbing back, lifting wings gently etc. are all the first things to do while bonding.


At 6 weeks, he's a little young top start teaching him color identification or learning the alphabet ;-)


As others have said, there is a ton of information on this site that you can search for by keyword in whatever it is that you wish to learn more about.


We'll look forward to hearing more from you about beakers progress and maybe a weekly photo if the rapid changes they go through. :-)

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WHat a cute little baby!:) Welcome to the family, I have found this board one of the most wonderful resources as an CAG you can have.


The only suggestion that I have is to enjoy the baby time. Before long I am sure Beaker will have plenty to teach you. I know Newton is definitely training us up right;)

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Hi and welcome,


How old will he be when you bring him home? I hand weaned mine and I wouldn't suggest it if you have a choice. It is a lot of work and I things can go wrong if you don't stick to an exact schedule. You also need scales and a thermomitor. I believe that a bent spoon and a watery formula is the best...there are so many things to think of. PM me if you run into problems...regards

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Hello and Welcome! I love that you posted so many pictures right from the start. Beaker is adorable! When is Beaker coming home? Will you be weaning him? Six weeks is young to start teaching him much, except bonding and learning to trust you, but the pictures show that you are already doing that! Please keep us posted on his growth. We love babies here! :woohoo:

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lovemyGreys wrote:

Hi Jimmy welcome to the forum.Gosh you do look the proud daddy there with your baby .I look forward to updates on Beaker.


Very Proud :D


judygram wrote:


Hello and welcome to the family, Jimmy, glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Beaker. I am from VA also, where about in the state are you, I am in the southwest portion.


Thanks for sharing some pictures of you and Beaker, it is so nice when the new members give us some photos so we know who we are talking with and to put a face with a name.


Why don't you read thru the threads for lots of useful information that will answer some of your qeustions and if you have specific questions we will do our best to get you an answer and help you in any way we can.


I am also from Southwest Virginia, about an hour and 45 mintes from Blacksburgh. I will do some searching, I just want to do everything so he will love me :)


Trina wrote:

Hi and welcome,


How old will he be when you bring him home? I hand weaned mine and I wouldn't suggest it if you have a choice. It is a lot of work and I things can go wrong if you don't stick to an exact schedule. You also need scales and a thermomitor. I believe that a bent spoon and a watery formula is the best...there are so many things to think of. PM me if you run into problems...regards


I'm not sure, I'm paying payments on him, it may be a couple more weeks. I plan on visiting him a lot though before I do get him.



Thank you everyone for the comments, I will be taking lots of photos, so keeping everyone up to date will be no problem<br><br>Post edited by: jimmycoop2005, at: 2007/10/27 05:20

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I am about 1 1/2 hours from Blacksburg also, I am about 30 miles north of Roanoke.


Visiting him many times will help with the bonding process and soon he will be home with you and you can enjoy him and bond with him nicely.


Wonderful pictures you shared with us, can't wait to see more of him.

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I have heard of Tazewell, Virginia, can't say I have ever been there but I know where it is, glad to have someone from my home state as a member.


I'll just bet you do have a lot of pictures to share and I figured that when with your first post you included lots of pics, bring them on we would love to see them.

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