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Inara's Flight Log


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I agree completely that it is personality and who they are interacting with that determines how verbal they are. I thought Timber only knew a few words until I started running my birdie cam. His vocabulary was shockingly large. He is also very verbal if I am in another room or another part of the house, trying to lure me back I assume. What characters they are! That is part of their charm. :)

Edited by Timbersmom
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Keep up the social interaction. As greys tend to love one person only, that was never an option in our busy home. Sophie learned quickly, she was adopted into an extremely busy crazy household! She adapted quickly, found our missing guinea pig within 48 hours of arriving. Sophie loves all of us... but I am the bad parrent and set rules. But every weekend, I am the one who gets kisses and snuggles, for past decade. Nancy

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