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He talked to me!!


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I was bringing Escher to his cage tonight and as I do every night I kissed him on his head and said "kisses", "momma loves kisses", and Escher said "Want kisses, momma", so I asked "you want kisses?" and he said "sure". I'm so excited because in the last few months he has become a closet talker. I hear him talking in his cage but when we take him out all he wants to do is laugh and scream.

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Its hard to decide what is more enthralling with Escher's exchange, that he enjoys your kisses or that he talked about it, but that sure is a great moment for us to share with you. One thing I believe to be coming is that he will have enjoyed so much your excitement over his talking is that he will be more eager to please you again. This is going to be such a fun time for all of us. Thanks for sharing with us so we can be there with you as you explore these wide horizons.

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The thing is he used to talk until a couple of months ago. He had a vocabulary of about 15 words but then he learned to laugh and scream. Since then he wouldn't talk in front of us. Last week he said "Escher don't want cage" but that was it till last night. Hopefully this means that he is going to say more stuff in front of us. He is 16 months old today so he's still a baby. I'm hoping that he starts to replace the screaming with talking. We ignore the screams and give positive reactions when he whistles, laughs, or talks so maybe he'll start being brave enough to start talking in front of us again. If he doesn't oh well we will just enjoy what we can hear from his room. He's my love bug no matter what but it's just so exciting when he talks to me.

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What a lovely and exciting moment! Escher has a lifetime to continue his chats with you, and I have no doubt that he will continue. Inara loves to practice by herself in her cage, and the first time she ever said anything directly to me outside of her cage, I was just tickled grey! I celebrate with you in your excitement. It's fun to listen to our companions when we are out of sight. Sometimes I feel if anyone ever had a hidden camera that I'd be considered a closet talker myself as I repeat what Inara says, only I'm in a different room! Do you repeat things back to Escher when he is closet talking too? Please tell me you do, so that I''m not alone in my 'talking to the walls.' :) LOL


It's such a treat to read about Escher and your adventures together.

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16 months is still young. I do think your reaction to his talking and him realizing that his words get results facilitate the process. My CAG Gracie knows that her words result in things she wants (food, water, toys, touch, going back in cage, coming out of cage, etc...). Once that connection is made... the words just flow forth.

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Felix is 16 months also and is a closet talker. He will whistle, cluck, microwave beep, make kiss noises on command, whine like the dog, etc....but will not talk unless sitting in his cage and he thinks no one is listening. It's still not clear but we can make out some things. Then every now and then when he is feeling frisky and we say something to him he will repeat it immediately but looks almost embarrassed that he let it slip in front of us. It is SO funny.

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