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Update on Nala


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I have not posted for a few weeks. Nala is doing great. We adore her and are so happy she joined our family. We had an extra half day off from work yesterday due to the blizzard which meant more time with Nala. :)


I'm going to attempt to post a few pics......





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image.jpgNala does have the sweetest face! We all miss her during the day when we are all at school (husband and I work at the school). We've been working on all the behaviors the aviator harness says you need to get your bird a accustomed to....and while Nala tolerates all of us working with her, my 14 yr old son (the one doing the homework in the pic above) can get away with anything with Nala! He is the person she latched onto in the bird shop and is why we brought her into our family instead of the Timneh that we thought we'd get.


Life is so much brighter with her in our family!


Yesterday we made her a play stand so we can move it from place to place. Attaching a pic. (Not sure why all my pics post sideways)


Have a great Sunday!

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Your son looks like he is in college and he certainly is a good sport to be doing hard homework work with the help of Nala. It really warms my heart that she chose him and she is equally willing to enjoy all your family. For some reason some of my photos from my phone seem to "flip" on the side. I email the picture to myself, then double click and open it with the windows media viewer. Then I use the little icon on the bottom to rotate it right or left to make it upright and when I close the email it will ask if want to keep changes and I say yes. Then it stays in the upright orientation. It must be the direction I had my phone in when I took the original photo. Your description of life being brighter with her in it speaks volumes. I feel the same way with the new laughter in our home because of the little companion who has decided to keep us.

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