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Echo is now 4 months old and still on 1-2 feedings a day. He is growing though, so that's good. He loves any food that is not actually bird food, veggies being his favorite. If he wants a feeding, EVERYONE nows it. And if I delay, he will launch off his cage to find me- the only problem being he is still learning how to steer and usually lands on top of something high. Oh, and he somehow seems to fly right onto adar's cage every single morning- sometimes landing directly on Radar! (And you can bet that Radar does NOT like that!)1235126_10201417150169593_1841408592_n.jpg

He has recently started trilling, but only when he thinks no one is listening. When certain music is played, or when the vacuum or broom is out, he will pop up his head feathers and start bouncing up and down while shrieking. It's pretty cool!

He screeches when we all get home for the day, and when he is excited, or hungry. At times it drives me crazy that he will not stop! And Echo has the best eye sight ever! To get in my house, you have to go up two small hills and a flight of stairs. The other day, I was all the way out at the street and the front door was open (Screen door closed) and Echo saw me all the way out at the street and started the "I see mommy and I am hungry" call.

I am looking forward to seeing how his personality develops!


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