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Television/Radio for your Parrot


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Hi, I work full time, and I leave Nick jr. on. They seem to really like Sponge Bob and Dora the explorer...... 3 days a week. One day is a parrotdvd that loops nonstop. The other day is a playlist of Barbara Streisand and country singers just for Nilah as she loves to sing.

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I leave my tv on timer.My fids can see out Windows so they are entertained that way also. Your fid learns words from repetition. But you do understand this doesn't mean they will speak human. Mozart my CAG grey,23years old, decided he won't used human words. When he was young used avocabulary of maybe a 150 words.After we moved to New home stopped. He loves to imitate every appliance ,alarm birds dogs you name sometimes he'll mumble or whisper. My severe macaw has several human words, mostly I'm a pretty girl. Or brat lol I really shouldn't call her that.

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You know, sometimes I leave the TV on for Gracie, but so far she has never picked up one word or sound from TV. Her vocabulary is approaching 250 words--but everything she says she has heard from me. It's like all other sources are filtered out--even friends and family she sees regularly. Oh--one exception--she does bark like my parents' dog. But other than that--nothing. She loves her various toys, but she doesn't seem the least bit interested in TV or radio. I've heard Animal Planet is not a great choice because it often has scenes of predation which can stress a grey. Cartoons seem to be a favorite for many parrots.

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I leave the radio on to reduce stress. I read somewhere that the silence can put our parrots on alert because in the wild when it goes quiet something is wrong. I have noticed that if I leave the room to take a nap Jake is perfectly silent and if I don't return he will start to call out for me and get agitated. If the radio is on he chatters away while I nap.

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We leave the tv's on while are at work, i found a great station on Starz for kids. It runs cartoons in the morning and then kids movies during the day. We use to play a kids music station through the tv for them but when Gus moved in we found out pretty quickly that he hates music so that had to stop. No snapping or clapping in front of him. :-(

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I usually leave on Disney or Disney Jr. mostly because, with 7 kids, it is LOUD in my house all the time when they are home. On weekends we are home all day and my birds love having us around. I noticed though, after the kids started school this fall, that Radar seemed a little down because we were gone from about 8am til 3pm. So, I started leaving the TV on for them if I knew I would not be in and out.


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I do leave the tv on ..(but it have a four hour timer I haven't managed to remove. But I live in the girst floor, with a busy street outside, and they gave each other to listen to (two greys) I don't have the tv on so they can learn to talk from it. Only for entertainment:) I have it on a classical channel or just a normal Norwegian one with morning shows and stuff:)

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