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1 Month Update


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So, it's been nearly a month since Bailey and I found one another (YES! We FINALLY successfully changed her name!) and I must say, she has settled in quite nicely :) We've gotten into our little routine and done some clicker training. We got to where I could get her to walk over to any part of the cage I want her to with nothing more than a stick and a clicker. And let me tell you, that has been a savior as far as getting her into her cage at night for a Grey that is not stepping up yet. When she got here, I got her all new toys (still looking into a cost efficient choice for a new cage for her b/c this one is about shot, but that's a story for another day) because the old ones didnt have much left of them to speak of. Needless to say, she was a bit nervous about them at first, but Oh My Goodness is this bird happier than a pig in sh*t now with one of her toys! It's nothing more than a few pieces of wood criss-crossed hanging from the top of her cage with a bell on the bottom. THIS crazy bird hangs upside down, slowly moves herself ONTO the toy, starts swinging and hangs on for dear life! It is soooo funny to watch! If I can manage to get it on video I will! Coming from a home that she was NEVER taken out of her cage for fear of biting, she is doing much better! As long as I'm home and its daytime, Miss Bailey is not in her cage. And biting? NON-EXISTENT! :) (Knock on wood) She has not bitten me yet. We have been transitioning together just fine if I may say so myself! Last, but definitely not least, WE HAVE A STEP UP! So, even with clicker training, she was EXTREMELY cautious of hands. I mean, week one and she was letting me pet her all the time. But put a hand in front of her body and her whole mood changed! She got very defensive and would run away if she could. Well, with clicker training, I got her used to my hand getting closer and closer in front of her body, never demanding she step up. Again, if she felt like she was being pushed, she ran away immediately. So, I figured this one was going to have to be taken slow. And now I am soooo glad I took my time :) At one point she finally started grabbing my hand with her beak and bringing it down in front of her then grabbing it with her foot. You could tell she wanted to step up, but was still very hesitant. I didnt even push her then. We did everything in HER time. And now, she will step up on her own! :) Ugh, so proud and so in love! :)

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Congratulations on finding her new name, it is a good one. Also big kudos on your approach to Bailey and letting her have choices as she builds trust with you. You won't be sorry for all the extra time you are giving her to adjust and come to you on her terms. Every positive interaction sets up the expectation for the next one and it just keeps getting better. What a tribute to both of you that this process is going along so well. She is worth all the best you can give her and she will give back to you in a thousand unexpected ways. Thanks for sharing your progress with us. Well done.

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