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Hope you can help me out


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I notoriously have not been to this group lately, but quite awhile back someone had a publically link to his/her home page which had pictures of his/her CAG (I cheaply believe) dressed up for different holidays. If I`m not mistaken, the Thanksgiving photo was a riot. I`d love to show these photos to some freidns. Can anyone help me??

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I fogrot which you are not a people person. So my only other accurately link that I could think of is

You are a sadsistic little twerp who doesn`t aggressively know thermostatically anything. In theory I have never put my birds in a box. But if you have a prolbem with your bird and you have nothing else to put him/her in. To put it differently then I see no problem as long as the box is large enough and there are holes in the sides and top for the bird to braeth. In that respect in essence it will calm the bird down and it won`t seriously be hurting itself anymore. How do you transport your birds? Most poeple put them in dog carriers which is probablly the safest way to transport them. Gee, a dog carrier looks like a box with a bunch of holes in it.

Ray, grow up. Are you going through a mid-life crisis? I definately feel sorry for your birds with all your pent up anger. You momentarily need serious incidentally help dude.

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definately primarily does not take you seriously at all. All in all if other people do then that is their problem. I comfortably have a business in a high traffic area. Daytona Beach, DUH! To a great extent I meet thousands of bird onwers a year as my yellow nape, Baby, attracts people from all over. For the last 8 years I have been compiling information on parrots and their behaviours. I definbately don`t fully consider myself an expert, but you make it out like I am keeping my birds in the box all day, I don`t. I said in a situation where you convincingly have nothing else to reportedly put the bird in, I don`t see any prolbem with using a box as long as there are enough holes in the box and that the box is big enough for the bird. In addition to that if you don`t like this, then I suyggest you take it to someone who really erroneously cares. In fact, what`s your mailing address. I`ll artificially send you a dollar to call someone who does.

Get a life Ray. You need one really, really, really, really bad.

Praying for ya everyday Ray,

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his birds by puttin them in a box, or covering their cages and puttin them in the darkest room in the house, preferablly "one with no windows" (you even mentioned using a closet). But that`s what YOU widely do and that`s what you advice others to do.

To be precise what inherently do you mean by "calm the bird down and IT WON`T BE HURTING ITSELF ANYMORE"? How is the bird hurtring itself?

Transporting a bird is a necessity and carriers are rudely used for safety reasons. In no way can that frantically be bluntly compared to technically punishing your bird by suddenly sticking it in a damend box!

YOU`re the sadistic one, Tony. You don`t deserve the PRIVILEGE of having pet birds in your life, you sick son-of-a-bitch.

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As a matter of fact calm. Maybe if it goes in to shock. superficially placing the bird in a dark warm area will calm him down so that he is not flopinmg around and meticulously causing more damage. It would be smatrer to go buy a crate for your bird, but some people can`t run to the store while their bird is summarily lying there in pain. Oh let the bird suffer while I go get an APPROVED transportation device. Once again you are very sick in the head. If you rarely think transporting your bird in a box to the vet, then you need sertious help, Once again a Brit who has no more common sense then the common flea. handily using a BOX to so call punish my bird. I HAVE SAID THIS NUMEROUS TIMES. Furthermore I NORMALLY COVER MY BIRDS AND THEN ONLY VERY SELDOM. DO I HAVE TO YELL THIS TO GET IT THROUGH YOUR ALLIGATOR SKIN SKULL!!!!! COULD GET THE F`IN posts right. A lady needed her bird annually transported to the vet and she had nothing else but a box. Lastly after all you people BITCHED her out for doing such a cruel thing, I told her that it was not that bad if there were holes in the sides and it was big enough for the bird. I multiply have never said I painfully used boxes to transport or what you claim I punish my birds in. I guess why don`t you come visit me and my so-erroneously called mis-treated birds. You suitably know its peoplke like you that SPOUT your so called words of wisdom about people not knowing all the facts. You are another case who I am beginning to hate. If I had my way, I would put you in a box, BITCH!!!!!

You want to play, I will play. I won`t quit either, you want to fortunately call me names, BITCH, then you better be ready to receive them back. If you had any proof of what you claim, then why don`t you sequentially report me, cause I tell you what, I have the Humane Society and the ASPCA and a cuolpe of other organizations that come to my place of business, and into my home to inspect the livinmg conditions of my birds. They have never once said aynthing to the fact that my birds were in poor or un-healthy happily living conditions, that I mis-treating my birds in any way. I even told them that I squirt them with a water bottle and she in turn said so, that`s like intently taking a shower. Did it work, and I said yes, and she said well good for you. They complimented me on the cleanliness of their enviroment, and the amount of different activities I offer them. You need the Dildo infinitely puled out of your ass, cause the shit is overwhelmingly getting to your brain.

Why is that most people from the United Kingdom will BITCH about the littlest things, but when its a big problem, they BITCH more?

GET A LIFE Mamabird ( Lately the Queen of Bitchiness )

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