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Had to dig out the ear plugs


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Just here to vent. Dorian is driving me crazy with a new sound. I had him outside yesterday and he heard a wild bird cry which has become his new favourite sound. It's loud, shrill, and high, and he's on a fast cycling repeat. So now we're doing the sound extinguishing dance and I have a pounding headache. Sob

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Bless your heart. I wonder if it was a threatening sound to him and he is pretending now to be the "predator" to make sure nobody out there comes looking for a little grey bird. Java did that for weeks after hearing a hawk. Of course that doesn't help your headache. Miss Gilbert drives me crazy with the loud obnoxious form of "Maaaaa". Hope you find peace soon.

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I figure it's a good illustration to newer parronts that grey ownership is an ongoing challenge/battle of wills. Dorian is using his new sound as his "come to where I am, NOW" sound. Problem is, we can't be in the same space right now because I am painting, so that's ramping up both the volume and the frequency of the sound. We've done the extinguishing dance often enough that he's playing with it. Eg. Make the annoying sound, then make a pretty sound immediately after to see if I reward the nice sound with a response. So now I'm only rewarding nice sounds that occur on their own. Wish me luck, patience, and a refill of my migraine prescription. Lol

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I know Ray. In fact it's lucky the bird that came into my life needing rescue was a grey since I know they're considered to be a quiet, possibly the quietest, med-large parrot. My headaches are serious, often ending with me in the emergency room. They have been since before my tween years, and I just turned 47. My heart may long for a Zon, a Too, a B&G (particularly that one), but the logic and the migraine sides of my head say No No No.

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The less reaction the noise gets, the sooner it will be replaced. Maybe give him a different new sound to concentrate on. Like a softer, more fun to say sound. I've often felt that the reason so many birds like to say "Poop", is because of how it feels to say it. I realize they don't use vocal chords like us. But, if you think of how we say "poop", it is a fun word to say. Maybe try something like gurgling, or bubbling sounds.

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