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The name is Woooo. James Woooo.


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The name is: Woooo. It began yesterday. I was approaching Inara's home to take her out for her breakfast and mobile perch time, and she said an excited, "Woooo!" I laughed thinking it was just funny as I had heard her say it a couple of times over the past few days.


Throughout the day several times (not every time) when I would approach her, she would excitedly say, "Woooo." I began to suspect...


This morning when I approached her home, she again said, "Woooo!" And when I opened the door, and began to reach in, she excitedly hopped up and down three times and said, "Woooooooo!" Immediately upon stepping onto my hand, she climbed up to my shoulder, gave me a kiss and said very sweetly, "Woooo."


As I was fixing her breakfast she peered over my shoulder, then looked directly at me and again said, "Woooo." Later while we were just hanging out together with her perched upon my knee, she said, "Inara good girrrl" then mumble chirp, click, mumble. Then she climbed up to my chest and looked at me and again said, "Woooo." Then proceeded to just chirp and chat and mumble. When it was time for her quiet time back in her home, as I walked away, she whistled and called, "Woooo." So she definitely has associated "Woooo," with me.


What exactly it means, is truly meant to be seen, She does now associate "Joe" with Joe, and "Dezi" with Dezi. I intentionally have not referred to myself as "Mommy" or any other name. I just say, "I hear you, I'm in here," or "It's OK," when she calls out from her home to ensure that she is not alone. Woooo could just mean, "come get me out of my cage, or I like that," or a myriad of other things.


However, if my suspicions are correct, I'm suspecting that I shall be "Woooo" forever more.

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Miss Gilbert recently started doing that with me at bed time. It is a cute little woooo sound, but it is unusual in that she sits in the dark and says it. Maybe they are getting ready for Halloween and practicing their sound effects. LOL. After more than two years, I suddenly became "LuLu" a few months ago and she is determined not to let that one go. They are so creative and fun. Wooo.

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I like it as well, but, I'm curious why you haven't given her a name to call you. Were you seeing if she'd come up with an identity for you? You are the center of her world. Her guardian. Her flock leader. I feel that these intelligent creatures need a way of identifying each other. At least primary important flock members. I'm not criticizing, I'm just curious. You have done so many wonderful things with & for her. Please don't misunderstand me.

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I like it as well, but, I'm curious why you haven't given her a name to call you. Were you seeing if she'd come up with an identity for you? You are the center of her world. Her guardian. Her flock leader. I feel that these intelligent creatures need a way of identifying each other. At least primary important flock members. I'm not criticizing, I'm just curious. You have done so many wonderful things with & for her. Please don't misunderstand me.


No offense, taken, BaileysPapa, I was tardy in coming up for a name for myself (as her first people went by Mommy and Daddy), and apparently Inara took the lead :)


I also agree that these intelligent creatures need, and are capable of creating, ways of identifying each other and their non-feathered companions as well. I'm pretty sure that "Woooo" is Inara's identity for me. Frequently yesterday she would say it when I would walk into view, and this morning, after I was outside with our dog, as I came through the door, Inara said, "Woooo good girl." It's very different in cadence from the woop or whoop sound.


Yesterday, morning after my husband left for work, Inara climbed down to the rim of the splash guard on her mobile perch (she'd been eating and preening) and scooted over to one particular corner that is positioned by Joe's chair in our living room. She leaned and looked at Joe's chair, and said, "Jo-oe." He usually puts out his arm when she moves to that corner, and she climbs up, perches on his shoulder and "reads the news" with him in the evening. So she definitely associates "Joe" with Joe, thus leading me to believe that consistently saying "Woooo" when she sees me, is not random. It certainly could just mean, "Hey come take me out of my cage, and feed me breakfast, and play with me," but I'm tuned in to her subtleties, and it appears more than that. What exactly, needs more time to be determined. :)


Interacting with these intelligent beings really gives us the gift of self examination also, doesn't it? Wouldn't trade it for the world!

Edited by Inara
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Well, based upon your observances so far, it does seem increasingly likely you have been named Woooo, you "Good Girl". That is actually very astonishing in terms of grey intellect displaying the mental ability to give a loved flock member a name when they do not openly make known what their name is. How very intriguing if this proves 100 percent certain in the long run. Thanks for the detailed update on this. :)

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<snip> . . . after I was outside with our dog, as I came through the door, Inara said, "Woooo good girl." It's very different in cadence from the woop or whoop sound.


danmcq, interesting: last night when I was relating the above to my husband, he suggested that Inara will direct a "good gilr" at our dog -- i.e., "Dezi down. Go lie down. Good girl," (which is what we say. Inara has strung them together on her own), that perhaps as I came in the door with Dezi that "Woooo good girl," may have been calling to both me (Woooo) and to Dezi (good girl). It will be fun to keep seeing how this unravels.


I am, now shaping, it though so this probably will no longer be objective. As this morning, when she greeted me with "Woooo" as I said good morning, I called back with, "Woooo hears Inara," and I've repeated that a couple of times already this morning when Inara has softly called it while I have been at my laptop.

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