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Flying Problem. What to do?


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So as Ive said before. My CAG Paco is fully flighted. Who came from a home who also had a cockatoo. Well Paco would fly over onto her cage and pretty much the cockatoo wanted nothing to do with her and so the cockatoo would fly to pacos and theyd switch cages now and then.....


Now our issue is, I have a 27 year old B&G (NOT FLIGHTED) Koko who is a fiesty bi*ch, and yesterday marks the 4th time Paco has flown over onto her cage, and I about have a heart attack each time! Because #1, I cant handle koko so luckily my fiance was there 2 of the times. #2 Paco has been trained to only step up onto a stick, so im like a mad woman trying to run and get the stick. #3 Koko is very territorial and gets mad and charges towards her wings and beak open!!


I dont leave paco out alone if Im not in the room with them, but once she takes flight, I cant stop her from landing there.


The one time she landed on her cage Koko was on top also and she started doing the spread wings beak open towards her, and never BIT her thank god! But was trying to hit Paco with her beak, pretty much saying. Get the F off my cage. And Paco gets so scared cause here I am the crazy lady like "noooooo paco!!! koko noooo!!! trying to get her stick to get paco off the cage and back to hers.


The one parrot specialist around here said to clip her wings but shes flown for 11 years!!! I cant do thatto her. Shes trying to tell me that she can still fly but with not as much control. But I need to keep her from flying onto Kokos cage so she doesnt get seriously hurt!?


Both cages are in my living room, across the room from each other. Its the only place I have avalible to keep them :confused::confused:

Edited by KatieG17
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I don't have multiple birds, so I probably can't be of help. The only thing that comes to mind is to put Paco in time-out (in cage) every time he flys to Koko's cage. He's smart, he will figure it out. I also understand your fear though. I have cats and I turn into a screaming banshee every time Timber decides he has to be on the floor. They all look at me like I'm insane, but injuries can happen so quickly.

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This is a difficult problem that many of us with Multiple Bird Syndrome have. For over 45 years, I have had many birds at one time in my home. The only ones who've learned to stay off of others' cages, are a few that got bitten by the cages resident. And that does not always work, either. I've had some birds lose toes, and still go to other birds cages. What makes this more difficult is that she is used to flying to other cages. Perhaps your hysteria can help curb this by scaring her from doing it. Though, that has not worked for me. Good luck. If I think of anything, I'll get back to you.

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We must let our two parrots out at the same time. Both being flighted jake the conure wll fly away if dayo starts coming at him. If one is ever left in the cage, it is a disaster waiting to happen as they will cage fight through the bars every time. Don't know why, other than they can. There really is no way to stop them if they wish too. The only thing I can suggest is to have both out of the cage at the same time. If the Macaw goes after Paco, he will fly away quickly with no harm.

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Don't trim paco's feathers! It can work, thru determination. I had three birds of different origins. Am amazon, sunconure and grey. Sunconure was a rescue, amazon a baby, and grey was adopted at age two. Sophie the grey took over as the matriarch of the family. Amazon, Kiki, would fight with Sophie, always under supervision. Sophie immediately took over dominance. Once Kiki understood and respected the pecking order, they did just fine. Yes... they need to work it out, but always supervised. Practice flying in the same room away from their cages. One bird to a different parent.

Koko is only fighting for survival, especially being unflighted. Interactions always need to be away from cage.

It can work to have birds of different origins. Once Kiki and Sophie worked out their differences, they became best friends.I went from three cages, to one. Their choice. Sunny and kiki fell in love, Sophie was offered to come into their home, when she hated her new amazing cage. I have open cage belief. It was crazy!

Kiki was trusted to pick fresh fruits and veggies, then Sophie and Sunny would try them.Sophie would pick and choose toys when I would buy in bulk. She would pick most toys to go to Kiki as Kiki loved wooden blocks and Sophie could give a hoot.

The best experience with my gang loving each other,was Kiki could fly so well. Sophie... not the best flyer.She walked. Kiki taught Sophie to fly this past year.It was amazing. Kiki would fly off, land quickly and wait for Sophie. Sophie would catch up, and Kiki would take off again. I know Kiki was teaching Sophie, because Kiki never landed! Nancy

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Thanks for all the advice so far! I think im going to try the "work it out method". Since I posted last Paco has flown over to Kokos cage about another 3 times! I think Koko may come around to her, She has stopped trying to beak her. Now when Paco flys over, when koko hears/sees her coming shell spreads her wings and opens her beak because she gets scared, but will move out of the way so she can land. The last time she landed koko just scooted to the otherside of the cage and sat there. So they were both on it without showing any anger/violence!

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