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Can hear COG shaking feathers/flapping a bit/itching noise


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Hey guys I haven't yet posted a picture or updated you guys on the COG but I got an emergency question.


I got him last night;

I could hear him all night long as if he is itching himself a bit and flapping his wings if not .. It's something that makes similar noises, the owner did say he is molting right now (btw how long does that last for an 8 year old?)


Does anyone know if he is ok?

I couldn't look at night because I covered his cage


-Edit .. Read my second post, sorry for the messy first post :{

Edited by dannybrah92
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Dannybrah92, you will need to post some pictures if you want any helpful answers. When you call your parrot a COG, I am guessing you mean Congo African Grey (CAG). More information please.


Ops, I'm very sorry; I had typed on my phone.


He basically just makes a lot of wing flapping noise throughout the night, and I just worry that he may not be sleeping well because of the movement.


Here is a picture! I just took it a minute ago :)


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He looks beautiful! Feathers are perfect, and it is obvious, he grooms himself quite well. Covering cages doesn't work for everyone. I covered mine partially, but they didn't like it. The cover didn't last. My birds eventually all put themselves to bed at 8pm. Bedtime, does take a serious commitment. Birds can be worse then kids. Nancy

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I have a little trick that helps with bedtime. Our little bundles of feathered OCD like rituals. When I'm getting Bailey ready for bed, I sit with him in my lap, and scratch his head & neck. Of course, he's getting attention like that all day, but, for before bedtime, I hold him cupped against my hand, and cover his head with my other hand. We only sit like this at bedtime. After scratching him for a while, I start saying, "Bedtime" several times . He's starting to understand that after this, he is going to bed. At least, that's how I feel. We all know that everything is an uphill battle, but, little by little, he's getting it. :)

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I do something similar with Timber. We have our longest cuddle session right before bed. He is more receptive then than at any other time of the day anyway. I say "ready for bed" several times while I'm scratching around his head and beak, then "let's go to bed" when I take him back to the cage. He knows to climb right up on the perch he sleeps on and wait for his cashew.

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