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Inar's First Week (warning: long and wordy :D )


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Yesterday marked Inara's first full week with us. She has not only settled, she is completely at home. I believe this is because she was so well socialized by her former people, and also due in part to her immediate fascination with me upon our first meeting. A great combo for a transfer that was/is much easier than expected and way more easy than my first two experiences (Amazon and Congo) "way back in the day." Definitely paid my dues back then and Inara, to my delight, is just well...delightful!


We've established a basic daily rhythm, but not rigid, as I want her to be flexible for those days when I'm not at home every hour. So I've been mixing it up a bit other than keeping the following consistent: waking up/breakfast socializing time and evening/supper socializing time and bedtime. Waking up and bedtime happen at the same intervals every day and breakfast/supper happen within about a half an hour of a regular time. At various intervals during the day, if Inara is indicating that she wants to come out and socialize, I capitalize on that and we spend some time just chatting and hanging out.


When she arrived, Inara would say a couple of phrases: Whatcha doin', what's your name, go lie down, come here, hello. However, as we all are aware, she has spent two years of her life listening, listening, listening so has stored up a fountain of words. Also, she was/is in a new environment so it was not unusual for her to have been less talky than she may have been at her former home. After about three days with us, she completely busted loose, and now says her new name, Inara, and says:


Inara pretty girl. Inara smarrrrrt girl. Pretty smart. OK, that was good. Thank you. Kiss kiss, thank you. Dezi down. Wait. More. Good girl. It's Joe (my husband's name). O! (cheerio). What you doing in there? It's OK. Good morning. Glasses. Home (we say "time to go home" when putting her back in her cage). Coffee. Gentle. Scritch scritch scritch. What? Hellooooo (said in a fake Jon Stewart impersonating the Queen voice -- sorry I couldn't help myself! haha). All interspersed with various R2D2 clicks, whistles, squeeks, whooops, etc. and a slew of other under-her-breath-mumbles.


Interestingly, her voice has changed from a more male voice (in this very short time) of the first few words she arrived with, to now a much more feminine voice and tone. Naturally, because I'm the one chatting with her for the majority of the day or at least that is what I'm inferring from the change.


Inara loves my glasses (they are pink metalic) and while I let her explore a bit, when she starts to clamp down on them, I tell her "unh-uh, my glasses" and I move my head. This morning, after three times of this maneuver and my response, she stood still for a moment and said, "More." hahaha


I spent three hours on Sunday cleaning every crevice of her cage and her play perch (they were well taken care of upon arrival, but I'm a clean freak when it comes to birds). I have decided to keep a journal since she is so young (she turned 2 in July) so will log behaviors/language and eventually some videos when I can figure out how to do them! (I can't help it, I'm a retired Psych and behavior scientist, I feel compelled. My husband always teases me that "OCD is a terrible thing to waste." ) :D :D


Have been weaning Inara off of her former "southern comfort" diet that was loaded with cheese and prepackaged food, and she now loves, loves, loves a mash that I make for her, and has been having fun foraging for pieces of sprouted bread toast among other things in her dishes.


Can you tell I'm madly in love with her? When Joe comes home, after supper, she loves to just sit with him in his chair and help him read the news on his laptop for about 45 minutes. They are good buddies already also.


Inara is like my midlife "sports car" after having had "fix or repair daily" (and I say that with much love) experiences in my 20+ years with my early rescued birds -- both of whom I loved and adored immensely and who eventually flourished after lots and lots and lots (to the nth power) of patience and going slowly. When looking for who would be my last of my life feathered companion, I really took my time, asked many many questions, and had a checklist that I was looking for this time around. Inara hit every single check mark on the list, and more.


I love reading each and every post here in the forums, and am making my way through them all, a few at a time with my coffee each morning, and afternoon. Through these forums, I've reaffirmed some prior knowledge as well as having learned some new things. So much fun and knowledge here!


If you have had the patience to read this entire post, thank you for sharing my enthusiasm and delight in my later-life companion.

Edited by Inara
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"If you have had the patience to read this entire post, thank you for sharing my enthusiasm and delight in my later-life companion"


No, thank you for sharing this last weeks journal with us. Most of us thrive on reading updates and news of others greys, just as most non-parrot owners thrive on reading or watching the morning and evening news editions. Inara is certainly "At Home" already it seems. GreYt job in helping her accomplish this! :)

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Your description and willingness to keep a journal is wonderful for me. I would love at some point when you have time if you would post something in our rescue room because I want others to see both sides of rehoming and to celebrate your success with Inara. What a testament to your experience and preparation prior to locating your wonderful new companion. Thank you so much for joining us and for sharing your story. My name is Dee, my husband gives me a wink and a warning when I get too 'involved with TMI' and he just says OCD and I always respond "I know, right, Oh see Dee go". He is going to love your husband's quip.

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"Inara loves my glasses (they are pink metalic) and while I let her explore a bit, when she starts to clamp down on them, I tell her "unh-uh, my glasses" and I move my head. This morning, after three times of this maneuver and my response, she stood still for a moment and said, "More." hahaha



Watch out with those glasses!!! Cosmo pulled mine off my face one day and snapped my glasses in half in a matter of a second. I wear bifocals so gluing them back together wasn't an option, I had to get new glasses. Also, remove any jewelry before handling Inara (Especially earrings, ouch!).



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I am so happy you were picked by Inara! It sounds like a perfect match! I too was picked by Sophie at age two. Your description of " life at home", was similar to ours. Sophie had a FANTASTIC home prior. I look forward to hearing more about all new developments and experiences. I hope you will share. More than a decade later, Sophie remains my best friend. I am sooo excited for you, Inara and family. You guys are in for the greatest ride of your life! Nancy

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