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Hello, I'm adopting an 7 year old grey soon, what questions should I ask its owner?


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Hi dannybrah92. Some great question to ask so far. I would also like to know:


What is the daily routine

What the ritual is when he goes to bed

What words does he know

What is his favorite thing to do

Is he a wood chewer

Does he like water/a bath

How he is use to being stepped up

Is he a shoulder sitter

Is he a biter

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GreYt lists. :)


Words and phrases used. What contact calls or words used daily that the grey is used to and what they mean. The more you intimately know about this grey will give you a huge head start in making this new grey feel as comfortable as possible in this transition and make it feel like it can already communicate with you from day one.

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Has it been around other pets; what type?

Wings clipped or unclipped?

What equipment will come with the bird? Cage, play perch, carrier, toys, etc...

If you're buying it from its owner, does the owner have a bill of sale prepared? (Having one ensures that at a later time, you have a complete paper trail on your bird).

Does it have a current health certificate from a veterinarian?

When was its last molt?

Does it have any human gender preferences with which it seems more comfortable?


Congratulations, you must be so excited!

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Somethings I have so far is

Chipped? (company name)

Past vet info




How the greys handled

What not to do


Could anyone add anything important to the list


Two additional questions I would ask are why is he being re-homed? Does he have any phobias?

I think you are asking all the right questions. I am always happy to hear of older Greys being adopted. Please keep us updated on how you are getting on.


I wish you both a happy life together.


Steve n Misty

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Hi dannybaeh92 and welcome to the grey forum.

All those are great things to know to make your new grey feel comfortable.

The next is up to you, Give your new companion time to settle in to his new home. New home, new people, different sights, every thing will be strange to him.

Sit with him and talk, offer treats, some times just sit by him and read or even sing.

You are going to hear about grey time and that is the time when they are ready to except and trust. Don`t try to rush things, give them that time to make up their own mind.

Good luck with your companion.

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Seems you have a lot of questions to ask the current owner of this grey and believe me it will all come in handy in the coming weeks and months after you bring this grey home and I will add to ask if they kept a copy of all the vet visits with tests and procedures done, a complete medical record.

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Covered or uncovered at bed time. Use of a night light.

When is wake up, nap and bed times.

What kind of music does he/she like.

What household sounds frighten or stress the bird.

How much cage time and out of cage time each day.

Does the bird eat fresh/cooked food from fingers, plate, crock or food bowl. Does the bird eat with the family in cage or out.

How does the bird come out of its cage and where does it usually go. What is the routine.

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