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Boy or girl how can you tell


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Hi I just got myself an african grey 2 days ago the man I got it from said its a boy but how can you tell for sure lol he told me he is 3 months old as well it's very tame and all ways looking out of his cage and do you have to get its wings clipped cos I'm not sure I would like to do that to him

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There is no reliable way to tell just by looking at a Grey what sex it is. Some say that the head shape is a little different and the tail feathers also have subtle white fringes on the red. But the only reliable way is either an internal examination or DNA testing both done by an avian vet. To be realistic if you intend your Grey to be a companion its gender makes little difference. They all have unique personalities and all respond well to a caring and intelligent keeper.

As for clipping my advice is don't do it. It is not fair on the bird. Their whole body has evolved for them to become flying beings. It is bad for both their mental and physical health and can be dangerous because a bird that cannot fly properly is an accident waiting to happen. Of course you need to ensure that your Grey cannot escape to the outside but a sensible precaution is to get your pet microchipped. That will ensure you will always be able to identify him if he is ever found away from home. It can be hard to provably identify your Grey just by description. A closed ring is also a good way to identify but not all parrots have them and there is not the same database available but obviously make a note of all markings on the ring so even if your bird is ringed have him chipped as well. At his age it would be easy to get him used to a flight harness so you can take him out with minimum risk.

Good luck with your new friend.You will find lots of good advice on this forum relating to all kinds of things from feeding to teaching. Go to the introductions page and introduce yourself and come back here to tell us how you are both getting on.


Steve n Misty

Edited by Mistyparrot
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Thanks gays his name is George I have no trouble getting him out of the cage at all just a little putting him back in he likes to be out lol he seems to be happy he does that woof whistle at the wife so she loves him now lol think I will take him to spec savers lol just trying to make sure I'm doing every thing right for him as he is my first bird I have been reading a lot before I got him but ya can never get enough to know this seems to be a good site and all your help is very kind thank you all I will post a few pics one thing I would like to ask is on his feathers just at the side of his beak there is a wee brown ball of something the man I got him from said it was baby food George won't let me near it is this a common thing and will it just come off its self

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Hi Spiersy. Looking forward to learning more about your grey and you. I agree with you, clipping is a sad thing to do to a grey. My parrots are micro-chipped, a sure way of identifying my gang. I so love to watch them fly around my home and hear them coming down the hall. The flap of wings in a beautiful sound. Welcome to the Grey family!

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Thanks gays his name is George I have no trouble getting him out of the cage at all just a little putting him back in he likes to be out lol he seems to be happy he does that woof whistle at the wife so she loves him now lol think I will take him to spec savers lol just trying to make sure I'm doing every thing right for him as he is my first bird I have been reading a lot before I got him but ya can never get enough to know this seems to be a good site and all your help is very kind thank you all I will post a few pics one thing I would like to ask is on his feathers just at the side of his beak there is a wee brown ball of something the man I got him from said it was baby food George won't let me near it is this a common thing and will it just come off its self


It is a bit odd for food to hang around that long. Greys are very particular about keeping themselves groomed. It is probably nothing but as he is new to you a veterinary checkup is always a good thing for a new adoption.


Steve n Misty

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