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Biting bird!

Bubbas mom

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Hello Bubbas Mom and welcome to our family.

Thanks for giving this Tag a new forever home and I am assuming you are new to greys. You have to understand this is an adult bird with an established personality, he is an individual that may have issues he brought with him, you did not provide any other information about how you came to get him or any of his past if you know any but it would be helpful to us if you could tell us more about him.

When taking in a grey or any bird that has been in a previous home or homes as it sometimes is you have to take it slow and easy, he may not want to be touched at this point, some of us have greys we don't handle very much as it depends on the individual bird, they usually want to be near us but not be touched very much and you have to respect that.

For now keep your fingers out of his cage, if his cage is like most of ours you can give him food and water without sticking your hands inside and most have a tray you can pull out to change whatever you put down to catch the poops and food they throw out. You can sit near his cage and talk to him softly, tell him how pretty he is and just talk about whatever you want to, you can even read to him but you are showing him you are not a threat to him. Let him decide when he is ready for any type of interaction, this may take a while and I am talking weeks, months or even years but it is what you have to do to gain his trust, that must be earned and an adult grey will be set in his ways. If you can find out more about his past it will help immensely in dealing with him but patience is your best friend right now.

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Welcome. I know it is tough because you want a friend, and you know you would not hurt him. But, HE doesn't know these things. The advice above is spot on. Just remember that to you a year seems like a long time, but to a parrot it seems like nothing. By the way, what is his name? Sorry went back to your post - his name is Bubba! LOL

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I can only echo my colleagues advice. Sit by him, talk &/or read to him, sing to him. The words don't matter. What does is your expression, and voice emotions. Be happy & sound fun, upbeat. You'll peak his interest. Give him treats, through the bars, when he shows an interest in you. Do not force yourself on him. These are intelligent, sensitive creatures. He's probably got a lot of mistrust of people, and you are new to him. He's scared & confused. Somebody here recently told someone to put themselves in the birds little four toed shoes. And think of how they'd feel. Do that. He'll realize that he's now in a good place, but, you have to earn his trust first.

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