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Testing Photobucket Video


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My trouble with Photobucket was long enough ago, I have forgotten my user name and password. LOL. I gave up too easily but now that I have enjoyed your videos so much, I may have to try again. I wonder if the posting of videos directly into a reply takes up our forum resources and that photobucket is a better option once we figure out the ins and outs of it? Good topic to get it sorted. Thanks. Nilah is such an enjoyable subject matter. I think I am in the contagious phase of the Amazon fever or MBS incubation stage. LOL.

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I don't think we have to worry about the forum resources. I still think Photbucket is the fastest and easiest way t post pictures and videos. Using the img thimble seems to work best for videos .


I am loading from my phone to photobucket a video of my daughters orphaned red baby squirrel that she has been caring for. I was babysitting for him at work on Friday and took a video of him playing on my desk.

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Well deary me, is he not the cutest little fellow I have seen? We used to take baby squirrels to a rescue in Houston every time we had hurricane winds because the palm fronds would come off and drop the nest to the ground below. We were not permitted to do home rehab without a boatload of paperwork but the rescue was fabulous. I would love to see Miles in your home as he seems to have boundless energy. I will see if I can find the links to another little rescued squirrel sleeping in a man's pocket. What a great home life you have.

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Thanks, but we are not Llowed to have a red or grey squirrel, only a flying one. But whe had no choice with this, as he was only about 5 weeks old and abandoned by his family for some reason. He is now 7 weeks old from what we can tell by his teeth.

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I am going mad trying to upload a short vid. I have done it before so it shows direct in the posting but now all I get are links.Tried Photobucket, Flickre and Youtube with various types of links but none do what they should. What is the secret please before I go quite mad!:mad:


I have noticed at the bottom of the page in posting permissions that " HTML is off". is that the problem?


Steve n Misty

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Don't be going mad on us Steve, you can do this. Of course, I am saying that while I watch to see how you all do it. Someday in the near future, I know Miss Gilbert is going to be ready for a real video debut and when she is, I will follow your lead and know just what to do.

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