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A minute with Cricket

Ray P

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Ray, she is adorable, I love her voice and the sweet "purring" sound she makes. Don't know what is happening with your links. I copied and pasted it in my browser and then took out one thing at a time starting with the brackets. If you go to your photobucket and see on the right a box that shows links to share this video, once I got in to look, I just clicked on the one that said "direct". It turned yellow and showed "copied" and then when I came in to this reply, I pressed the ctrl key at the same time as "v" and it pasted it into the response. I will try after I submit my reply to see if that works. If there is a will there is a way, and I want to see more of Cricket and I know our forum friends do as well. You have so much to offer you shouldn't have to be frustrated by technology when you are sharing it with us. Thanks for the lengths you will go through to let us see your little beauty.

Edited by katana600
original link works, yay
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Well, I have never been able to get my Photobucket to work, but after Ray does all the heavy lifting, I can come in and erase something to fine tune his. LOL. It's like straining to open a jar and when my husband takes it, it pops right open after I get it all loosened up. Your videos are inspiring Ray. Cricket is so affectionate, so eager to get out to see you. That is just priceless, what a team you make. Thinking about her being deemed a lost cause, then blossoming under your care opens my heart to the possibilities that have kept me working to change life for Miss Gilbert and bring her to a place where she can find her rightful place as her royal highness and grand poobah of our household.

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