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Strangest Fear?

Guest Jocelyn

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Saw another thread on here that got me to thinking what is your greys strangest Fear?

Romeo is a fairly fearless bird and yet he is terrified of orange. Things that are Orange make him scream and flutter and fall off his perch.

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Cosmo is also pretty fearless, except for the robot vacuum! Anytime I use my iRobot "Roomba", Cosmo does that low, gravely growl and stirs nervously in his cage. I try to tell him "It's only mister vacuum cleaning the rugs", with no avail. He doesn't mind the regular up-right vacuum, which is way noisier, go figure!

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I don't know where to begin. Miss Gilbert has been afraid of literally everything since she came home. But, if I had to choose the top two wig out, frantic, vomiting kind of fear reaction, it is to the vacuum cleaner or the broom. At least that is my story and I'm sticking to it to explain the shambles in which we live these days. Just kidding on the former sentence. I discovered a little "over the shoulder" Shark portable vacuum that has the least noise and isn't quite as threatening and I bring it out and let her see it and talk to her before I turn it on, then turn it off, put it down, reassure her and finish the job in as many stops and starts as she needs. She is gradually getting less flustered by it. When I bring the broom and dustpan in and tell her I am cleaning, she will look suspiciously and then say "WHAT are you doing?" in an indignant tone. That has never failed, she always says it, kind of "How dare you! Just what do you think you are doing?"

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Well its good to hear Romeo is not alone in the weird fears club, I just got reminded of how we found out, I always see these adorable Grey photos with Greys in pumpkins and being a new birdy mom last year (we had him for about a month) near Halloween I rushed out to get a Pumpkin for romeo, I brought it in the house sat it next to him he screamed fell off his pearch and I rushed it away and he glowered at me for about two days straight lol

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I had to think about this strangest fear for a while. I think the strangest fear Dayo has is of a Shadow of something. He has known what a shadow is for at least 4 years. He noticed mine one day outside while I had our birds out by the pool in their cages sunning. I kept hearing him make a "Dink" sound like a ball peen hammer on steel very loudly. As I looked at him and started walking towards him, I noticed him staring down at my shadow as I approached. So I stop and waved my hand as he looked down at it, then he would look at me waving my hand and then back down at the shadow again. He put two and two together pretty quickly and picked up the word "Shadow" by the next morning. I thought this was brilliant. But, from then on if he see's a shadow go by on the wall or any place else he see's one appear and start moving he will start furiously searching for the source. He just knows it's the boogeyman if he can't figure what and where is the thing causing it. He does not go nuts or start flapping around, but he certainly becomes VERY alerted by it. Sometimes when the light is just right and he notices he is casting a shadow, he will bob his head, raise his wings or move side to side as he watches it and says "See my Shadow?". Anyway, just thought I would share this since I finally decided what his strangest fear was. :)

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Lets see Jake is afraid of cucumbers whether they are whole, sliced or peeled, pine cones, toys that have large rings, snakes on the National Geographic channel, the broom and the rock band Kiss but I think the strangest is that he will growl if he hears voices behind a closed door but only if he can see the door. Voices and sounds coming from another room are fine. Door open is fine. Close the door and he growls.

Edited by Wingy
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