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How can I prepare dried corn for my guy?


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Avoid GM corn. Use only non GM organically grown corn. Some say GM corn is potentially harmful. Monsanto claim it is quite safe. It produces pesticides to combat various bugs that love to eat corn but it is not something you can wash off.

I would never trust it with Misty. Fortunately it is not sold in the UK where I live.

Steve n Misty

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My guys love corn. Fresh &/or frozen corn in their food mixes. Dried cob corn seems to be more of a plaything. They pick it off of the cob, drop it on the floor, and get me to play fetch and pick it up.


Or laugh when I step on a kernel in my socks, and dance around. I give them the dried cob corn as a "foraging toy" that keeps them occupied for a while. They love those miniature Indian corn ears. And, of course, popcorn is a big favorite.

Edited by BaileysPapa
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If you want dried corn then you usually just leave it in the husks and allow it to air dry, that's the way the farmers do when they want ear corn or shelled corn for feed, they leave it on the stalks until it dries enough to harvest it. If you have a shed or somewhere to hang it up to dry preferably somewhere where squirrels cannot get to it for they will eat it up if they find it.

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