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Anyone elses Grey Hates Slippers?!!!???


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Awwww. Greys go crazy over the most silliest things! Your slippers are important, and Paco needs to learn that you LOVE them! Take one off, let Paco check it out and remind him that you LOVE your slippers! Show some affection to those slippers. LOL Sophie is fascinated by my son Sean's Croc shoes. He lives in them. She LOVES to put her beak in the holes, and she basically starts a game of tag.If she gets her beak in one of the holes ( no bite), he is tagged. She runs off hiding a few feet away with her butt in the air! It is soooo amusing to watch Sean pretend he can't find her! She will be wagging her tail, thinking he can't see me! Once he DOES find her... the chase is on! Nancy

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Cosmo hates when I think out loud. I guess he thinks, Who the hell is he talking to? He'll yell, "Riiick, Jesus Christ are you OK?" (absolutely no kidding! He got "Are you OK?" from when he was younger and a bit clumsy, he'd sometimes fall off of his toys while playing with them and I'd respond "Are you OK?" The lords name in vain is self evident, never aimed at Cosmo though.)



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Not slippers but Jake hates cucumbers. It doesn't matter if they are whole, peeled, sliced he growls and freaks out. They must have a smell that he doesn't like because even hidden at the bottom of my salad bowl he will growl. I have to eat them in secret.

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OMG, Riiiick, Jesus Christ that's HYSTERICAL.


It is! He'll curse when he's angry, or worried, or when he gets impatient. One morning, I was preparing his food in the kitchen, Cosmo was calling from his cage (as he always does) "Riiick, fresh water" which means water and/or food (oh, he draws out my name Riiick, when he wants immediate attention). I guess I took too long because right after I put the bowl in the bowl holder, he looked at me and called me a "fu**ing ass". I still have no idea where he got that kind of language from, seriously! He may have heard it from a cable channel movie, as far as I can figure. Greys are certainly in a breed of their own!



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It is! He'll curse when he's angry, or worried, or when he gets impatient. One morning, I was preparing his food in the kitchen, Cosmo was calling from his cage (as he always does) "Riiick, fresh water" which means water and/or food (oh, he draws out my name Riiick, when he wants immediate attention). I guess I took too long because right after I put the bowl in the bowl holder, he looked at me and called me a "fu**ing ass". I still have no idea where he got that kind of language from, seriously! He may have heard it from a cable channel movie, as far as I can figure. Greys are certainly in a breed of their own!




I would be peeing myself if Jake ever said that and then my partner would be forever banished to the dog house. I usually have to leave the room when Jake starts demanding that I "go cook" because I start laughing.

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I too, laugh my head off at times. One time my sister was over for a visit, she approached Cosmo's cage and started repeating, "pretty bird...pretty bird..." like someone would say to a canary or something. Cosmo replied, "Ahhh, be quiet. You're crazy!" (be quiet is what I'll whisper to him when he gets real noisy and you're crazy is something I'll say, playfully when he acts goofy).



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