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RIP Cesar


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My four year old grey passed away yesterday morning, I came downstairs to wish him good morning and he was on the bottom of the cage sprawled out but still alive, we rushed him to the vet and he passed away by the time we got there. She said he was very skinny and had been sick for a while. I feel so guilty for not noticing, he acted totally normal until yesterday morning. I don't know how to cope right now life just isn't the same without his whistles. Anyways I just needed a place to talk about it because it really sucks. I didn't even have a chance to say goodbye.


RIP Cesar <3

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Oh dear. I am so sorry for your loss, it just takes my breath away. It must be devastating for you. You probably already are aware of this but a grey is a prey animal, that means if they get sick or look injured, it will attract a predator. They are famous for being able to distract you from noticing something is amiss. Hindsight is 20-20 and your vet has the training and foreknowlege to make that observation. You would have done anything for Cesar had you had prompting and instruction. We lost two young greys and it was excruciating. Be kind to yourself and don't let the self doubts and recriminations take you down that road. Just feeling the void is a grief you will need to process. Find something about Cesar that will help you remember the smiles and joys of living with a grey and the sadness will fade with time. I am ever so sorry you are living with this raw pain.

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Nobody but other bird people can understand how these featherheads can work their way into our hearts. I share your grief and pain, having lost birds myself. I like to think that God needed one of His angels back for some reason, and He chose yours. Be strong, and think of Ceasar now flying free with all the other angels who've left us.

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