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For all problem bathers... ;)


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Great Felix tale. Luv it! I am very fortunate to have parrots that love the water so I feel for those who have parrots that are opposites.


Meeee too! Just recently has Marco started to play in her water bowl as well maybe half a dozen times so far. Or that Ive caught her doing. I was thinking about using a larger pan and seeing if she really goes for it but it just seems random times. But she definately loves the water.

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With the day of rebellion fresh on my mind, I am most decidely going to plot my next move. Thanks Felix! Now I am going to put a moat of water bowls in front of the china cabinet and the buffet chest. Miss Gilbert will have to either take a bath and her splashing will become my alarm warning or she will forgo the chewing of my furniture. And after the toe biting incident, a trap door to a water bath may be in order, I will start gathering tools to remove the hardwood floor between her cage and the dining room now.

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