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Escher Progress


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Sorry I've been absent for a couple of months but I was working long hours and I was spending my free time with Escher. We also had a scare with our dog. There was a possibility he had a brain tumor but it ended up being virtigo and an infection. We've had him since he was 6 weeks old and he is 13 now so we were very upset, but having Escher helped a lot.

I can no longer play on the computer when Escher is near, he pulled a couple of keys off my old raggedy laptop so I don't let him near the new one.

Escher is now 15 months old and still a sweetheart. He went through a little stage where we could only pick him up if he had flown from his cage to the floor, if we reached for him when he was in or on his cage he would lunge and bite with absolutely no warning. I started giving him head scratches through the bars and he liked that then I started reaching in to give him scratches one day he just picked up his foot and put it on my finger and came out if the cage. Now as soon as I unlock the cage and put my hand in he raises his foot to come out. Then he make this funny excited noise, it kind of sound like he's about to have an asthma attack its really funny. The first time he did it scared me though. He also stopped talking in front of us. All he would do is scream and laugh. He'd actually scream then laugh like it was the funniest thing ever.

He has also decided that I'm am not to be out of his sight. He just screams over and over. It's gotten better lately cause we started whistling to him when he screams so he'll scream and if he doesn't get a response he whistles then we respond to him.

I've caught him talking when he is in his room by himself but some things are still hard to understand. Don't get me wrong if he never talks again its fine but he has the cutest little voice when he does talk. He kind of sounds like an old man. Tonight he finally talked in front of us he said "funny boy" or "funny bird" I couldn't quite decipher the last word but I tell him all the time when he laughs "Escher's a funny bird" so I think he said bird. Also when I was putting him to bed he didn't want to go when I'd move my hand away from my body toward the cage he'd grab my shirt after the third time I said "you have to go in your cage" he said "Escher don't want cage" I cracked up then he started laughing and went in his cage. My husband was across the apartment and heard "want cage" and started laughing because he thought Escher wanted in the cage when I told him what Escher said he laughed even harder.

Escher has also decided that my husband is only allowed to give him scritches. Any time Jared tries to pick Escher up Escher bites him. He is definitely my bird. The best part is we went on a vacation and had a friend bird sit for us. The day before we got home Escher allowed David to take him out of the cage and didn't even try to bite him. David reached in to scratch Escher, fully aware that he might get bitten, and Escher picked up his foot to be taken out. David did get nipped when he tried to put Escher back in his cage after a couple of hours, which is Escher's usual way of telling you he doesn't want to go to bed. Jared wasn't upset, he thought it was funny, although he did call Escher a turkey, which is what we call Escher when he does something he's not supposed to.

He's also not as snuggly as he used to be. Where he use to love to snuggle every night now it's only about once a week, if that. The funniest thing he does is grumble when he's upset. Say he flew off his play stand and landed somewhere he didn't want to be or something scared him, when I pick him up he get right under my chin and grumbles like he fussing and trying to tell me what happened, it makes me giggle every time.

Sorry this was so long but it had been a while since I updated y'all. I'm loving my Escher and I'm so glad he picked me.

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