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How to differentiate preening and feather plucking?

Danny Kwok

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Hi, I have a 4 months old CAG. I have provided the attention needed as possible. I am new to Grey but have a sun conure before. I heard many news on Grey feather plucking and it's really not a good news. I saw my Grey - Angel, used to clean his feather, sometimes scratching under its wing and on the chest. I wonder is this going to be the beginning of feather plucking? or is it just cleaning/ preening? Please help. Thanks.

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I doubt your grey is plucking as they all preen from time to time, a grey has to look good you know, only if you start seeing feathers with the shaft broken off or lots of feathers laying around and bald spots on your grey will it be considered plucking but as long as you are providing the things necessary to keep your grey happy and healthy then don't worry about possible plucking for they can sense stress, just keep doing what you are doing and he will be fine.

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Hi, thanks for the all the answer and I feel better now. I have to whistle to get his attention whenever I see him scratching his chest or wings... just to avoid him to scratch until the feathers down... haha. Btw, is it normal to have feathers drop down. I mean is it like we human will have hair fall, they too will have feather down? I see about 5-6 feather, erhmm... soft feathers on the floor everyday I sweep or clean the room. Please advice. Thanks.

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My CAG always has down feathers in his cage and around his cage. With three parrots I pick up feathers from their wings about every day. They molt and they shred feathers and down. Your grey is what 4 months old. I doubt very much that he is plucking. If you are concerned take him to an avian vet. We are not avian vets here.

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When I first got Marco and saw her preening/cleaning I freakeddddddd out just like you. I would sit and watch her cuz I thought the same thing. Since then I have learned to relax and find that she likes to look good ;) I moved the tv stand the other day and like the others I could not believe how many lil fluffy feathers were back there !!!!!!!!

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If your grey is on a good diet, is comfortable feels safe, and gets lots of attention and love from you and is happy than plucking is something you won`t have to worry about.

It`s good that you are keeping a look out for the best interest of your companion and ask questions about something if you don`t know.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It has been weeks after this post. I notice that you guys are correct. He is now so noisy... talkative with no meaning sounds.... like Donald Duck! hahaha. He has less scratching around his body. I give him a mist shower once a week. Weather here is hot and humid, sometimes I give him twice a week when I saw him trying to flap around the drinking pot. How many times should a 4 months grey take bath / shower?

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I try to spray Timber daily because he likes it. There is a difference between a spray and a full bath. Timber likes being sprayed, but does not open his feathers when I spray him. In other words, it isn't getting to his skin. When he is ready for a real bath, he will splash around in his water bowl. I get the pan I use for him to bathe (think 8x8 or 9x14 glass baking dish) and put some nursery water (untreated, purified, no additives) in the pan. Then he will go at it on his own, dipping his head, feathers, tail etc. throwing it over his shoulders, and gets really soaked to the skin. Others with more experience will probably give additional advice :)

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