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Parrot People VS Dog Owners


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This thread did get a little off track...but to be fair, you started it haahaaa.


Somewhere there's a thread on here I started about being a bird person. It started with me when I was wee little. I grew up on a cattle ranch and we killed everything. I grew up shooting prairie dogs because of their destructive nuisance problems. I shot stray cats. I shot stray dogs. I've even shot at stray neighbors kids from across the river - no joking. They were shooting our horses with pellet guns and I got out my dads .308 and started hitting the bridge they were hiding under with lead rounds.


I shot a bird once and watched it fall lifelessly to the ground and have never been the same since. There is something so innocent and beautiful about them that separates them from the rest of the horde - at least for me. The downside is, I have a real hard time losing them. I accidentally killed my pet pigeon I had when I was 22 and it took me a long time to get over that.


I can't wait to go home and see my birds every day. I can't wait to get them up in the mornings. It's not the same with my dogs, although I don't mind having them around and one of them is a really sweet boy.


My cats are the biggest users around...even showing up my Greycie. Of course my wife says I've never met a Persian. Bahh....


I can even get overly attached to chickens - the ones that are picked on, helpless, defenseless...those are the ones that usually end up living in my backyard vs the barn. I had one that required a lot of round the clock care for a few weeks before it came around and we had her for a long while before she got taken by a hawk. That hurt. Flip side - the young roosters or overly dominant hens that end up getting overly abusive with the others and are just downright mean, I can kill those with my bare hands. They really can piss me off with how mean they can get.

Edited by SterlingSL
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I think some of the neediness of parrots comes from the food chain. They live in close flocks, so, they can watch out for predators. Dogs & cats, even wild, don't need to be quite so vigilant. They ARE predators. Of course, they can also be prey. But, a bird is prey, period. Another thing that endears parrots to us is that they are the ONLY animal that can speak to us in our own language. The domestic/wild thing also comes into play. Dogs & cats have been with us for many thousands of years. Birds were not kept close to us that far back. We ate birds long after we stopped eating dogs & cats. We still do. I think all of these things contribute to the dynamics of our relationships with these creatures.

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I've always been an animal lover of all kinds of critters. I can't turn away from any creature in need. I think the first was a chipmonk. The neighbor's large dog was tossing it around and I just instinctively reached out and snatched it from the mouth of the dog. It in turn instinctively bit my thumb. I couldn't let it go because I believe the dog would kill it and I couldn't bear to see that or to have the little neighbor kids see it. I kept it for a few days and fed it and made sure it was okay and when I opened the cage to let it out, it ran to the edge of the woods, then turned, ran back to the edge of the patio, it looked for the world like it bowed its head and said thank you before it turned and I never saw it again. I have never met an animal I didn't like. As an adult, we have had dogs and cats but the day we brought home a parrot, everything changed. Everything. Little did I know I was a parrot person. There is something so wonderful it can almost not be described. If you haven't had this kind of relationship, I don't think it can be explained. Maybe it is because they were wild and wonderful and we brought them into our homes and now we need to make the best of that experience. It does kind of feel like we owe them something for the life they had free in the sky. We can't let them go, we can't turn back time, but we can devote ourselves to making sure they have the best care and attention in our power.

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Well, now that everyone has gotten it out of their system about the different animals they or don't like to kill and people who deserve to be shot and what animals should be destroyed and what things should happen to *bully* animals exist and what good birds or bad birds that exist, how about changing the subject to something else?

I gotta eat dinner right now in my *civilized* country.

I don't think that's too much to ask for.

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