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Parrot People VS Dog Owners


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I thought this might be a fun thing to discuss.


Ever since I got Sukei my family is has been giving me the business, saying stuff like, you were always a dog person.


I have had two Golden retrievers and loved them to death, but my situation in the middle east made me consider NOT getting another one, because Goldens love to run, and there is no where for one to run in this environment, and if they get out, they can be eaten by the local population(No Joke)


So I resigned myself to being friendless/petless, untill the day I saw Sukei in the terrible place, and it was just an impulse to save this poor soul.


I had done ZERO research, (Not a good idea I know now) but my heart just went out.


I thought in my current environment I could care for a parrot, and just scooped him up and ran LOL, literally.


So back to the title of the post.... This is just an observation, but it seems to me, that parrot people are much more involved in every aspect of their parrots life, then dog owners.


Maybe that is because Dogs are pretty self sufficient and only require love, where parrots require not only love but specialized attention.


I dunno, just rambling, thought maybe someone might have some thoughts.


I fully plan on getting another Golden when I get home and can properly take care of one.


I guess I am just surprised my family is so surprised I got a Grey, as I send more pictures they are starting to understand the bond developing.


Anyone have any similar stories or thoughts?

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Great post! I was always a cat person. LOVED them. MY family always said I would be the Cat Lady and have lots and lots of cats. Well I do have 2, plus my daughter has 1...so we have 3 in our house, one is blind tho. Never thought of myself as a crazy bird lady, but that's hat my family calls me. It just kind of happened, and once you have one, you become so compassionate towards other birds, if one needs rescuing and you can handle it..you just do.

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I thought this might be a fun thing to discuss.


Ever since I got Sukei my family is has been giving me the business, saying stuff like, you were always a dog person.


I have had two Golden retrievers and loved them to death, but my situation in the middle east made me consider NOT getting another one, because Goldens love to run, and there is no where for one to run in this environment, and if they get out, they can be eaten by the local population(No Joke)


So I resigned myself to being friendless/petless, untill the day I saw Sukei in the terrible place, and it was just an impulse to save this poor soul.


I had done ZERO research, (Not a good idea I know now) but my heart just went out.


I thought in my current environment I could care for a parrot, and just scooped him up and ran LOL, literally.


So back to the title of the post.... This is just an observation, but it seems to me, that parrot people are much more involved in every aspect of their parrots life, then dog owners.


Maybe that is because Dogs are pretty self sufficient and only require love, where parrots require not only love but specialized attention.


I dunno, just rambling, thought maybe someone might have some thoughts.


I fully plan on getting another Golden when I get home and can properly take care of one.


I guess I am just surprised my family is so surprised I got a Grey, as I send more pictures they are starting to understand the bond developing.


Anyone have any similar stories or thoughts?


Not much to add other than remembering that dogs are domestic animals and crave human attention. They would much rather live in a human environment.

On the other hand all Parrots ( greys included) are and will always be wild animals even if kept as pets. If they get loose there's a good chance that the owner will never find them because parrots crave the natural outdoors and will quickly disappear so matter how nicely they were treated in a house. That's why greys and other parrots need special attention.


By the way, eating those dogs??? That's gross.

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We have had dogs all our lives. Your right, they do take care of themselves most the time. They don't need 24/7 attention like a parrot. I suppose it all boils down to pack versus flock mentality. As long as the dogs know your in the house somewhere, their happy to just snooze, after their day walks and romp arounds. A parrot wants to be able to see you AND be with/on you a lot of the time. It also takes a lot of work to provide a parrot a proper diet and get them to eat a wide variety of healthy foods for them. A dog, well they'll eat anything the can reach and until they have to throw up if they eat too much.


I will say after being gone for a few hours and coming home, both dogs and parrots are just anxiously waiting for the door to open so they can mob you.


It is a fact that us parrot powers are a much smaller group and most family and friends do not understand all the muss and fuss we must do to take care of their every need.

Edited by danmcq
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By the way, eating those dogs??? That's gross.


Yes it is, but i is true, you have at least 20 different cultures in each Middle East country, and they WILL eat Dogs, Cats, Birds and any other thing they can get their hands on.


I have seen it first hand so it isn't a old wives tale.


I do not know your back ground, so I can not presume to say, but assuming you have not been out the civilized world you will find things to make your hair turn grey or fall out.....it is sad.

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I'm a "cat person" also. Maybe we are all just "animal people?" I like dogs too, but I like big dogs and live in town. No running room, I won't chain a dog up, so no dog. I do have four house cats. They never go outside. While the neighbors wouldn't eat them (I hope) my house fronts on a very busy street and they would be roadkill if they were out wandering around.


The other part of your post is interesting. My cats are so low maintenance in comparison to Timber! Other than the routine stuff like feeding, scooping litter, watering, my cats will let me know when they want a good scratching or they just park on my lap and sleep. They are very independent otherwise. I had no idea when I got Timber of the difference in time and effort that goes into being a bird owner. I don't know what I thought, but I had no idea how needy they are when it comes to time and attention. Timber really makes me happy though, so it's all good! His neediness meets a desire I have to feel needed I suppose.

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It is a fact that us parrot powers are a much smaller group and most family and friends do not understand all the muss and fuss we must do to take care of their every need.


I think you hit the heart of the situation, but I think they miss the extra rewards, and as they learn, they start to understand.


Just a quick note that is off topic, I hope this understanding leads to more awareness of the plight of these wild caught ones.... I know it is probably a pipe dream, but all things evolve slowly.


But back to the original post.



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I find my parrots pretty self reliant. They like to see me and sit on perches throughout my home. They come to me when I call: usually for treats (nuts). My pug, I have had since she was about 4 months old and is now 12 and blind. She has always been my buddy and sits close to me or at my feet all the time. She follows me from room to room. She could care less about my parrots and will leave a room if they start flying around. When Lily, the pug is gone, I hope to get a young German Shepherd that my parrots can learn to trust.


As a polynesian lady I will say: As for balut and dinuguan, don't knock it until you try it!

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I'm a "cat person" also.

Timber really makes me happy though, so it's all good! His neediness meets a desire I have to feel needed I suppose.


I'm allergic to cats, so I will have to defer to your judgment on that one.


As far ad being needed, we are all needed, every live touches another, in ways you will never know (Usually) Your life have changed others in ways you will not know, 1 single event can put a person on a course that changes their whole life...so never feel you are not needed.

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I have always been a cat person but only have one at the moment though I feed one more, outside cat, I have also had dogs most of my life though right now we do not, when we lost our last one I thought since I had the birds for companionship I didn't need another mouth to feed but we have been tempted a time or two.

I guess it does depend on where you live whether or not to have dogs or any other kind of pet for that matter but Kevin I am glad you got Sukei and just because you don't have a dog right now doesn't mean you are not a dog person, I totally agree with your reasoning.

I know that other cultures do eat things we find repulsive, dogs, cats, birds and whatever else so I don't blame you for not having a dog right now but some people might be repulsed by some of the things I eat like rabbits, squirrels, doves, ducks, geese, wild turkey and deer but then I live in the country and was brought up that way, I know some people have never seen what they eat when alive on 4 legs or 2 in some cases.

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As a polynesian lady I will say: As for balut and dinuguan, don't knock it until you try it!


I am married to a Philippine princess, and they try to get me to eat a bunch of stuff...


Please take what I say in the manner it is intended, I will leave each to his own LOL

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I am married to a Philippine princess, and they try to get me to eat a bunch of stuff...


Please take what I say in the manner it is intended, I will leave each to his own LOL


If you knew me, you would know this was posted in fun. As for your Filipina princess, perhaps she and I are related. As you know..... all Filipinos are related one way or another (smile)!

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If you knew me, you would know this was posted in fun. As for your Filipina princess, perhaps she and I are related. As you know..... all Filipinos are related one way or another (smile)!


I know, i am very hard to offend, Potato Patato, Filipino Philippino, its all good. :)

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but some people might be repulsed by some of the things I eat like rabbits, squirrels, doves, ducks, geese, wild turkey and deer but then I live in the country and was brought up that way, I know some people have never seen what they eat when alive on 4 legs or 2 in some cases.


I'm from Texas, so I have eaten all of the above, but I draw the line on some things LOL

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Very true,never name them. I was raised on farms and ranches. Unfortunately when I was around 6 years old, I had given a name to a baby chicken and fed it when I got the chance. One day, my grand father came over, grabbed the then grown chick I had named and quickly proceeded to chop it's head off, then pluck it and serve it for dinner....


The end result was I could not bring myself to eat chicken until I was 23 years old! I could eat anything else with two or four legs other than domesticated pets and chicken. But, at 23 that ended as well. It's hard looking back and remembering how seeming little things to adults were monumental in a childs eyes and affects them for years....

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This has enlightened me on the eating thing, LOL but let me change course, maybe what what makes you a Parrot person more so then a dog or cat person..... I dunno, I think you can be both, I think all you need is a caring compassionate love for these intelligent compassionate creatures.



I think there is a mind set that you are a "Dog" person or "Cat" person or a "Bird" person. I just think it depends on your ability to provide for them and the environment you can responsibly give to each.


Through this I figured out you cant be labeled any kind of person, just a kind and responsible person that takes on a responsibility that you can fulfill to the best of your ability...

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I think there is a mind set that you are a "Dog" person or "Cat" person or a "Bird" person. I just think it depends on your ability to provide for them and the environment you can responsibly give to each.


Through this I figured out you cant be labeled any kind of person, just a kind and responsible person that takes on a responsibility that you can fulfill to the best of your ability...


Very true and well said. Ive had them all at the same time over the years. No longer, but it was all one big happy family. :)

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Maybe we can properly name ourselves animal lovers for I have to say that most or close to all of us have more than just our bird or birds, we have a mixture of dogs and/or cats, some have snakes, lizards, rats, mice, horses and other domesticated animals and maybe some not so domesticated like our greys. I think for the most part most of us wouldn't label ourselves as just bird lovers but we are companion lovers and choose to share our home with parrots and birds along with a dog or cat or whatever else sparks our fancy.

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