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Yay!! FINALLY got registered!!


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Greetings all! Our names are Daniel and Pooka. Pooka is almost 12 years old, his hatch date being 02/02/02. He's my boy.


I've tried to join this forum for almost two years. I either never get the confirmation email or I get some "unable to verify spam" type window. I kept sending help emails to the admin but...well, none (to date) have been answered... :(


Anyway. I am finally here. And here are some pics of me and Pooka - helping me with my Arabic homework, doing some chinups, just chillin'...




pooka homework.jpg

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Thank you! Not sure if this is allowed but here is a short video of Pooka doing his thing:



He says "He's my Pooka"..."Hi"..."he's a good boy!"..."What!"..."Are you a Pooka?"...."jaBIRD!*"..."Are you my booboo?" (complete with foot point)..."Wassup witcha bird!?*"


His "jaBIRD!" is an abbreviated version of "Wassup witcha bird!" He will sometimes only say the part that's about him - the "bird" part :)

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Hello Daniel and welcome to our family.

So glad you hung in there and finally got registered as a member but the important thing is you are here now.

Pooka is a handsome fella from the pictures you shared with us, have you had him since he was just a baby?


Thank you, yes. He was too young when I got him, however I wasn't aware of his age. He was hatched in February and I got him towards the end of April '02.


Of course, we love videos and pictures! I'm at work now and have no sound on the video, but will be sure to catch it later tonight.


Cool thanks! Some forums don't allow videos so I was curious. The sound is rather low so when you do get the chance to watch it, you'll have to crank the volume up.

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He tends to make sure to be my alarm clock. I've fallen asleep on the sofa many times of course and once I felt this stabbing pain on my toe (For several years I had unchecked diabetes so my toes are rather numb); I woke up to see Pooka on the arm of the sofa getting ready to lunge again. That Pooka does not like toes is a known fact among friends. His bird-sitter, who watches him when I leave town, has mentioned coming out of the shower with just a towel wrapped around her torso and having to run down the hallway because Pooka has fluttered to the floor and started attacking the toes.

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A Grey that keeps himself in shape and studies Arabic - excellent!


I heard a rooster @ 1:33.


Yes and the same bird I think was at 1:15 or so. Both neighbors to the left and right have chicken flocks.


I've yet to get Pooka to repeat any of my Arabic. He seems to be at a plateau on his language skills. He's not repeated any new words in a couple of years.

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LOL not a song lyric - that's what I say to him when he's acting up.


LOL, thats funny. Of course, I am one to talk... I have told Dayo since he was around a year and a half old when I know he's going to nail me "I'm gonna get your butt" as I would slowly move my hand around and touch his tail. Then he went tail nuts using every word he thought he could fit it into the sentence like Get your butt, wipe my butt, clean my butt, and on and on. They are a riot sometimes experimenting with phrases. I guess he figure if I could wipe his beak when dirty, I could touch up the butt as well. :P

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